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Bill cosby.


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See the documentary?

spent 35 years drugging a raping hundreds of women.

makes jimmy saville look tame.

interesting to see:

  • how celebrities feel empowered to abuse people
  • how we was only caught because a black comedian openly accused him of rape and it got the media's subsequent attention
  • how he was only attacked by the black comedian because he had alienated the black community by lecturing them on their values and morals
  • how white whistle blowers were ignored because their whistle blowing was dismissed as racism
  • how victims felt powerless to report him due to his celebrity status.( apparently america loves bill cosby altho i always thought the Cosby show was shiite).
  • how victims were dismissed as attention seeking money grabbers until a successful celebrity artist came forward to announce that she too was a victim.
  • how reluctant people were to accept that he was a criminal due to how much they had emotinally invested in their image of him.

Wierd world.

lots of issues.


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Sith Happens
20 minutes ago, RamNut said:

See the documentary?

spent 35 years drugging a raping hundreds of women.

makes jimmy saville look tame.

interesting to see:

  • how celebrities feel empowered to abuse people
  • how we was only caught because a black comedian openly accused him of rape and it got the media's subsequent attention
  • how he was only attacked by the black comedian because he had alienated the black community by lecturing them on their values and morals
  • how white whistle blowers were ignored because their whistle blowing was dismissed as racism
  • how victims felt powerless to report him due to his celebrity status.( apparently america loves bill cosby altho i always thought the Cosby show was shiite).
  • how victims were dismissed as attention seeking money grabbers until a successful celebrity artist came forward to announce that she too was a victim.
  • how reluctant people were to accept that he was a criminal due to how much they had emotinally invested in their image of him.

Wierd world.

lots of issues.


Didnt see it, but it sounds like the documentary is making him out to be guilty.

Surely it should wait until after hes actually been found guilty?

Not defending him, no idea if hes guilty or not I havent paid that much attention, but for every Jimmy Saville there is a Bill Roache who is innocent.


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1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

Didnt see it, but it sounds like the documentary is making him out to be guilty.

Surely it should wait until after hes actually been found guilty?

Not defending him, no idea if hes guilty or not I havent paid that much attention, but for every Jimmy Saville there is a Bill Roache who is innocent.


Well he is guilty, he admitted it to in a civil prosecution brought about by one of his victims.  They couldn't put it through a court trial because it was too long ago.  The deposition was withheld from the public, until a prosecutor successfully overturned the ruling.  

Shame really, I used to watch The Cosby Show religiously when I was a kid.

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Sith Happens
31 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

Well he is guilty, he admitted it to in a civil prosecution brought about by one of his victims.  They couldn't put it through a court trial because it was too long ago.  The deposition was withheld from the public, until a prosecutor successfully overturned the ruling.  

Shame really, I used to watch The Cosby Show religiously when I was a kid.

This is what i dont understand about the USA, that they have a relatively short time to allow people to come forward and accuse someone of a crime, or at least for that person to be tried.

He isnt guilty in the eyes of the law as he has never been charged, reading whats online he doesnt even admit guilt in that deposition I assume you are referring to in 2005? I admit it looks extremely dodgy though.

So if by law the people accusing him cannot have him tried for the crimes he is accused of it doesnt seem right for any TV program to infer guilt if there is no way it can be defended, and to broadcast it around the time of his trial seems wrong. Are the Jury banned from watching it?

I am not defending him, it doesnt look good, but unless someone has been found guilty or guilt proven it should not be presented in such a way by the media, leave it to the courts, then do it after if found guilty. If its the right thing to do to present someones guilt on a crime so many years after then change the law so it can be done properly and not trial by media which is often sensationalised.


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5 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

This is what i dont understand about the USA, that they have a relatively short time to allow people to come forward and accuse someone of a crime, or at least for that person to be tried.

He isnt guilty in the eyes of the law as he has never been charged, reading whats online he doesnt even admit guilt in that deposition I assume you are referring to in 2005? I admit it looks extremely dodgy though.

So if by law the people accusing him cannot have him tried for the crimes he is accused of it doesnt seem right for any TV program to infer guilt if there is no way it can be defended, and to broadcast it around the time of his trial seems wrong. Are the Jury banned from watching it?

I am not defending him, it doesnt look good, but unless someone has been found guilty or guilt proven it should not be presented in such a way by the media, leave it to the courts, then do it after if found guilty. If its the right thing to do to present someones guilt on a crime so many years after then change the law so it can be done properly and not trial by media which is often sensationalised.


He doesn't say he did it to that particular victim, but he does admit to drugging, then having sex with women whilst they're unconscious.  Where there's smoke, there's fire...

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Sith Happens
8 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

He doesn't say he did it to that particular victim, but he does admit to drugging, then having sex with women whilst they're unconscious.  Where there's smoke, there's fire...

I havent read it confirms they were unconscious, but yes he admits to giving them the drug which was a popular party drug so i believe. So playing devils advecote could it be they willingly took the drug and then consented to sex.

I think the where there is smoke there is fire is a very dangerous statement when it comes to sexual abuse cases, if thats the case are we saying despite being found innocent Bill Roache and others cleared probably are guilty? Likewise Cliff Richard etc? John Leslie who wasnt even accused?

If I was a betting person I reckon Cosby is guilty but it still doesnt seem right on the eve of his trial a program can be broadcast which indicates hus guilty on other crimes he cannot now be tried for. Seems to me if he is found guilty his defence might be all over that as a reason to have it thrown out because it may have influenced the Jury.



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8 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

I havent read it confirms they were unconscious, but yes he admits to giving them the drug which was a popular party drug so i believe. So playing devils advecote could it be they willingly took the drug and then consented to sex.

I think the where there is smoke there is fire is a very dangerous statement when it comes to sexual abuse cases, if thats the case are we saying despite being found innocent Bill Roache and others cleared probably are guilty? Likewise Cliff Richard etc? John Leslie who wasnt even accused?

If I was a betting person I reckon Cosby is guilty but it still doesnt seem right on the eve of his trial a program can be broadcast which indicates hus guilty on other crimes he cannot now be tried for. Seems to me if he is found guilty his defence might be all over that as a reason to have it thrown out because it may have influenced the Jury.



With it being on BBC2, unless it's aired on BBC America, I can't see it having much of an impact.  US jurors are very strictly contained for most cases anyway.

One of the complainants, an ex Playgirl, really doesn't come across as credible.  She freely admitted to meeting him with a mate, to try and get a part on his show, and admits to happily taking the tablet when propositioned.  Her excuse?  "It was the 60's"...

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Sith Happens
3 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

With it being on BBC2, unless it's aired on BBC America, I can't see it having much of an impact.  US jurors are very strictly contained for most cases anyway.

One of the complainants, an ex Playgirl, really doesn't come across as credible.  She freely admitted to meeting him with a mate, to try and get a part on his show, and admits to happily taking the tablet when propositioned.  Her excuse?  "It was the 60's"...

If its this one 'Bill Cosby: An American Scandal' it was on a couple of days ago over there.

I suppose he would use the same excuse about it being the 60's, I am sure if he gave someone a drug hoping they might get off their face and have sex he wont be the first or the last. If everyone bloke (or woman) was to be charged for buying someone a few drinks hoping they might end up in bed with them then it would no doubt be a long queue to the court house.

We live in a different era today, people are supposed to be taught that gaining consent for sex they should not only gain a postive response but make a judgement if the person giving consent is in a fit state to do so.

As I say, no idea if hes guilty or not in the case hes being tried for, if he is he will rightly so die in prison.




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