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Luke Varney


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youve hit the nail on the head m8,

all i get to see is highlights,but from what ive seen were going backwards!

maybe 1 or 2 old wise heads in a team , maybe a blend of youth to go with it , but 1 thing that all teams need is passion, the will to win would be nice,

i think now nige has had his chance to show us at least a glimpse of what to expect in the future,well if thats the best we can do 2 successive defeats at home to p*ss poor teams ,then its time nige !!:mad:

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Well Trig here is another nail on the head Moxey is w*nk and imo possibly the worse left back i have ever seen,and i been going 40year i would sooner have Eddie Lewis playing left back at least he knew how to get in position.

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mace to be truthful the whole squad is nothing short of laughable,

from what ive seen there is not ONE of the players thats worthy of playing in this league ,let alone for the rams,

we were once a BIG PROUD CLUB,

now were being run from top to bottom by inept clowns that should go back to the states and run a mcdonalds instead.

either the board stumps up a wad full of $$$$$ for non league nige ,or they **** off back to disney land and take him ,crosby, taylor, and metgod too

ps im not bitter lol

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