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Jermain Johnson


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Or J.J.

Are all footballers thick

While in the car park a lad dressed in Derby County gear came up and introduced himself to us as JJ. Apparently he was just starting a month's loan from the Rams, so we just assumed the gaffer had brought in someone. He then joined us in the canteen.

A bit of small talk and couple of slices of toast later he felt a bit more acquainted with everyone. Even the gaffer came over and introduced himself but he thought it was a friend of one of the players so didn't question it too much.

Then JJ [Jermaine Johnson] got a call, "Yeah I'm here with the guys…", he paused then realised that he was with the wrong team. He got up quietly, took his bags and left without a word.

Apparently he was in fact on loan at Stafford Rangers, and when he saw us he assumed that's who we were. Whether he just fancied a free meal or didn't see the large Tamworth Football Club badges on our tracksuits I'm not sure. It's a shame because I think he and big Trev [Trevor Benjamin] really hit it off.


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