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The break time rant thread


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On a mini break now and today has been awful tbf.Aforementioned condescending guy has continued to be the same...and I had to throw out a teenager volunteer during a development meeting for chewing gum...and sticking it under the table.


thats so an American thing to do.
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I hate the condescending office workers that come in at lunchtime acting all billy big bollcoks, **** off and let yourself become a slave to money.

I hate the gobby bint I work with that thinks she's entitled to a say on my personal life.

I dislike shoplifters, that said I quite enjoy chasing them around some Manchester street.

I get confused by the amount of stunning ladies that enter the shop, as a result I struggle to decide which one I like the most and end up making a **** of myself in front of them.

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If I ranted on here about work I'd be here all soddin week.

But I will say this, some of them are work shy tossers who I wish would either try and do the job right or piss off out of it.

Grrrrrr just don't get me started!!

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