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Robbing Ipswich Tw@t


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IPSWICH Town manager Roy Keane has branded a thief who stole scarves and shirts from the Sir Bobby Robson tribute outside Portman Road as an “idiot†and a “clownâ€Â.

Keane made his comments today after police revealed that a “callous†thief was seen by a member of the public taking the items left in remembrance to the legendary ex-Town manager following his death at the age of 76 on Friday July 31.

CCTV footage viewed by the police shows the man going along the tributes left by grieving members of the public at the statue of Sir Bobby and picking items out. It happened on Monday evening at about 6.30pm.

Keane said: “Unfortunately in all walks of life you are going to get one or two idiots around and that is disrespectful to those people who left things for Sir Bobby.

“But we also have to remember all the thousands of people who paid their respects and we should not focus on one or two clowns.â€Â

A Suffolk police spokeswoman, who described the theft as “callousâ€Â, said: “Clearly these items have been left in remembrance to Sir Bobby Robson and it is not in the spirit for anybody to be going and taking them away. People have put these down in remembrance and it is the same as taking something from a grave.â€Â

Last night, Ipswich Town Football Club said it was “distressed†and “disappointed†to hear of the theft.

A club spokesman said: “The club has been made aware that a small number of items have been taken from the public tribute to Sir Bobby Robson and we are, naturally, distressed and disappointed to hear of the theft.

“It is our further understanding that Suffolk Constabulary are investigating the matter and as always we will be assisting them in any way we can to help them find those responsible.â€Â

Members of the public started to leave their tributes around the Sir Bobby Robson statue on the day of his death. This included flowers, shirts and scarves.

The man is described as being black, with short hair and wearing sunglasses with a black denim jacket and dark jeans.

Police are appealing for anybody who sees anything suspicious in the area to contact them on 01473 613500 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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