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Forest Fans sense of humour


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Rockin smiley that. Where can I get one?



Oh, I'm obviously doing something wrong because I thought I'd get the little pointy finger when I scrolled over it, but it wasn't having it.


Just put middle finger smiley gif into google, hit images, and it should come up. "http://mindromp.org/forum/images/smilies/thumbs_up_smiley" alt="thumbs_up_smiley">


EDIT....buggar, it came up when I hit post.

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That was quite amusing but perhaps more relevant to THAT season. If only the internet had existed in Nottingham back then. Still, I have a perverse pride in that season and my after dinner quip would always be "If it hadn't been for Newcastle United in 2007-08 it would have been really embarrassing". And, don't forget the effort we put in to make Adebayor look good!

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