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Everything posted by DavesaRam

  1. A few months ago a Rotherham fan came onto this forum to see how we were doing under their ex-boss. He asked, amongst other things, whether we were getting loads of injuries, especially during training and especially soft-tissue injuries. How did he know?
  2. ‘Cos there’s lots of running around on it? I’ll get me coat!!!!
  3. You never know. He might be given the ball to feet against Burton. He was a bystander on Tuesday because most if the first half the ball was hurtling through the air at cloud level on its way to Bradford defenders’ heads. 🙄
  4. Yes I do, and he could do a job there. But I’m loving him as mote of an out and out winger!
  5. I used to be very pro-Sibley, I admit, because he got shafted by Rooney. Something happened between him and Wayne that held Louie back, almost as though his development ran into a wall. I have supported the kid because he has never been given a fair crack of the whip. Yes, he's had chances, but they have been spasmodic, and out of position, and even after playing well he has ended up dumped on the bench or out of the squad, while other players got chance after chance after chance, regardless of how they had performed - Tom Lawrence and Connor Hourihane for example, the latter ambling through a load of matches early this season, achieving nothing but still picked. Sibley still hasn't had a load of matches either at left wing, or preferably in the middle to stake claim, so even before he's found his feet, he is on his backside again. My comments about last night is that him and Thommo were the only ones with any urgency to get the ball forwards, but got binned off at half time when there were more deserving cases. And last night was a mix of both players and coaches at fault. The players shouldn't need motivating, and you could say they don't need to be sent out onto the pitch armed to the teeth with tactics either. But we were completely without any idea of a plan bar the big boot to the front, and that isn't all down to the players. It was after Warne's MO when he first arrived. Yes, maybe Sibley should be above all this, and be capable of dropping onto the pitch wherever Warned wants to place him and make an impact, but he never knows which part of the pitch he is going to be in, and often that position has changed, sometimes several times in a match. But each of the positions he has to cover is a different discipline to the others, and he isn't a "jack of all trades", so perhaps it would be better to not treat him as one. My attitude towards Sibley is that he is probably better off getting a move where he could be played to his strengths, instead of being squeezed into somebody else's mould. As I have said many a time, it is not as though Derby haven't got history. In his latter years we wasted Will Hughes, and Chris Martin in his last stay at Pride Park, Weimmann, who was accused of never cutting it, despite being played as a winger when he is a central striker, and when he went to Bristol and got played as a central striker, started banging the goals in. There are countless others we have done this to. I was also in the "Warned Out" brigade at around 90% or so until things suddenly changed after Stevenage. Warne may not have bowed to fan pressure, but the big change happened just after the fans had kicked off, and Warne was definitely hacked off by how he was treated by the fans, and refused to acknowledge them for several matches afterwards. It was too much of a coincidence. And it wasn't just case of players coming back fit after injury. The last time we were a number of players down he was forced to go 4 at the back, and we went on that run last season, but as players came back, he reverted to his 3 at the back obsession. And apart from last Saturday when he was forced to change because of Nyambe's international duties, he has pretty much stuck with 4 at the back, despite having players back from injury. I am now firmly in the "Warne In" camp, despite last night's shambles.
  6. Well after a night’s recovery time I have managed to haul myself back up the steep slope of disappointment to the level where I am merely absolutely hacked off with last night’s offering. Firstly, there are a lot criticisms of Collin’s first half performance, but in reality he was hardly given the ball. We had reverted to the early season’s “lump it in the air either to defenders who are all taller than Collins, or out to the far touchline”. I thought we’d grown up since then, but apparently not. Secondly there are criticisms that our youngsters in midfield didn’t stake their claim for a starting place. But how could they? - see the previous paragraph. I said it earlier, but about the only time we got the ball down and played football with it we got that peach of a cross from Sibley and Thommo’s shot that was blocked. At least those two tried to do something positive with the ball, when nobody else did in the first half. Their reward was to be subbed, probably because they weren’t running around aimlessly enough. And the goal - Ward didn’t make any attempt at all to head the ball. He merely tried to stick his backside into his opponent to hinder him, which is either a coward’s way of defending, or simply lazy. Waghorn used to do it when he was our target man. He virtually never won headers for our crosses because he was too busy bumping into his opponent. The players regularly not turning up is dien to the coaching staff. The players should be willing to bleed or even die for the shirt, but they don’t. And if Warne doesn’t like the term “Warneball”, then he should stop the players resorting to it.
  7. An absolutely belting match report, Lazlow. Many thanks. One day I may come up with a report of my own to that high standard, if I have that many years to live, that is!
  8. I've got the report right here. It says "Bradford were good, Derby weren't".
  9. I agree entirely. The defeat was of our own making. The only discernible play was lumping it long up to Collins who was a foot shorter than their entire defence. It didn't work. Which is curious, because every time we've tried it has been unsuccessful. It is bound to work one day, though isn't it? Oh, and I do tend to see refs differently to many on here, although not last Saturday! Woo Hoo!
  10. Bradford had only got to think about falling down and it was a free kick. But rugby tackles and two-handed shoves in the back on Derby players went unpunished. But it didn’t make the slightest bit of difference because Derby were so, so poor. Warne ought to make the players watch the match over and over so that they can learn from Bradford how to pass to a team mate.
  11. The ref was w***, but Derby County were w*****. And that’s all you are gonna get.
  12. Come on Derby. Our players are the ones with white shirts on.
  13. Sibley and Thompson subbed, when they’ve looked the most likely - Sibley with that cross, and Thommo for looking like he cares. I’m surprised Wilson is still on. He’s looked ok as well. At least Fornah’s gone.
  14. Yes. But we’ve actually got to get the ball to Sibley where he can use it, instead of ricking his neck watching it plough through the cloud cover.
  15. Sean Barker has just said the plsy has been a bit scrappy at times. Yep. And for the rest of the time, delete an “s”, “p” and a “y”. There was one bit where we got the ball down and played: Barkhuisen to Sibley, delicious cross to Thompson whose shot was blocked. And that was it for highlights. One highlight. Plus the ref’s whistle for half time. That was good too.
  16. I’m going to enjoy watching the next 15 minutes! 🙄
  17. We have already been given a penalty of having to watch this tosh.
  18. Compared with our play which looks like its straight off a school play ground.
  19. This is worse than Warneball mark 1.
  20. “Get the ball down”? Mind your language, young man!
  21. Why impartial? Sky aren’t. Ever. For Derby matches!
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