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Posts posted by r4derby

  1. 12 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Just watched Suicide Squad. 

    Great idea. Poor execution. Watched the whole film wondering how the director(s) managed to mess it up. The plot is crazy. It spends a decent amount of time fleshing out Deadshot and Harley Quinn and then rushes through the main "plot". The actual villain isn't interesting. They stand around in the city doing magic for an hour. It's a confused mess. 

    The line "you killed it", "oh she killed it" gets used about 5 times. Some scenes just exist so someone (usually Harley Quinn) can make a one liner. It's a Deadshot and Harley Quinn one liner montage. Nobody else matters. 

    It's not funny like Deadpool. It's not dark like Batman trilogy. It's not as blockbuster as any Xmen movie. 

    Will Smith is just Will Smith. I'm a big fan but he's just there to basically be Hancock. But the lines aren't funny. 

    It's pretty crap. How can it be crap with such material. And why do you need supernatural monsters to be the baddies? 

    2/10. The first part of the film is interesting.  


    DC are crapping all over a lot of their big names at the moment. Not seen this or Batman vs Superman, but your review is essentially the consensus view. 

    Marvel have got an idea of how they want their universe to look, and the style they want (colourful, humour, action, not to be taken as seriously as an Oscar winner - think comic book more than graphic novels. That works for them, and the I go into a marvel film expecting to be entertained, yet to be failed there.

    The Batman trilogy got 2 things right - Chris Nolan given the keys to run things his way and cast good people, and tone - based on being as realistic as possible, it was believable. Now you can't do that with Superman, or many superheroes in the DC universe, but they need to do something

  2. 10 hours ago, Simsy said:

    So i'm now on FUT and built a EPL team sort of.

    Its hard though the players prices are high so I have no great players. Feghouli probably being my best!

    anyone want to share their FUT team?

    First few weeks/months are always high prices for players, especially PL players. It also won't help that the Squad Building Challenges (new feature) have focused on PL players, meaning higher demand on the market. 

    Wait a while then the better players drop in value, usually around the turn of the year when they release the TOTY, leading a mass pack opening and more players on the market.

    With regards to my team, I've built my usual Derby team (always 1st squad, hardly ever played with though) with some Burton players on the bench. Going for either a Serie A/Calcio A or Bundesliga next. 

    One more tip, buy silver PL players around 300 coins, sell on for 450-500 making small profit each time. I'm up to 25k in coins at the minute

  3. 1 hour ago, David said:

    Don't need Xbox live at all if you buy a better console, all about the PlayStation plus

    Aren't those 2 different sentences...? I like some of the ideas Sony have done with the PS4 (friends playing your game without owning it) but transition a lot simpler from 360 to a One, plus I kept a bunch of games

  4. 1 hour ago, David said:

    Both although "I think" you still need to be connected to the internet to play single player

    Yeah you do, although you don't need Gold on Xbox live to play offline, can play it with a 'silver' free online account. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Will the Ram said:

    FIFA has Shackell as our best player. Not sure how. Hughes is only third best.

    Same as last season. Shackell was a Prem player recently, and performed fairly well in a rubbish team. EA love the Prem. Will Hughes has not played in the Prem, therefore he is not as good as Shackell...

    Seriously though, it's to do with their positions, Shackell won't go higher that his rating, whereas Will could reach mid 80s in game rating, but he's not there yet

  6. 22 hours ago, seths-cap said:

    Played the Fifa demo and it's pretty good. Pre ordered. 

    I played the beta last month. Signs the play was going to feel smoother and slightly faster, which was good, but there were several bugs which killed the experience for me.

    The Journey aside, there's not enough to make me pay £40 this year, I'll keep my Derby career mode going for another little while and wait till FIFA 18...

  7. On 6 September 2016 at 13:35, David said:

    Not got a Kindle, Apple haven't made one yet.

    Seriously tho why hasn't Nintendo taken the plunge into iOS and Android, both could easily run Mario Kart and other classics, straight up £9.99 per game, no in app purchases they would kill it in the app stores.

    Donkey Kong, Super Mario.....it's not like they have to design a whole new game either.

    Madness why they are being so stubborn. 


    On 6 September 2016 at 13:38, Srg said:

    Any Android device can get an emulator to do it anyway quite simply, but you're right about Apple.

    Not every game really suits touch screen with the controls... but games like Pokémon would absolutely kill it.

    you can download Gameboy and Gameboy Colour emulators on to Apple devices, then download any games to play on them. It's all done by an online app, so not through App Store but legal and can be played offline. 

    Ive been having a nostalgic few days with Pokemon Yellow!

    dpad is a bit slow, but it's good fun.

    Watch this video - 


  8. 2 hours ago, RicME85 said:

    Talk is the 1060 will beat the 480 on performance but will be some way off on price. 480 looking like a great bang for buck card.

    The wife bought me an XB1 the other week as an early birthday present, is there a few guys on here with FIFA who have a Pro Club? 

    Been playing a load of Dying Light co-op with a mate the last week, has been a right laugh. So far only own a few games (PES 2016, Sunset Overdrive, Dying Light and Screamride plus stuff from EA Access). 

    Gamertag is the same as forum username - RicME85 - also my Steam ID and PSN ID if people want to add.


    Play a bit of FIFA but not got into pro club scene yet, mainly because I don't have any friends online.

    I'll add you and If you need an extra player let me know!

  9. On 13/06/2016 at 17:57, Papahet said:

    Like it!

    Could be a good new addition if done properly like NBA 2K games. However, could become a 'try it once' if you use the same character going through the same situations.

    I hope they continue to tweak other aspects of the game too, and not use this to mask the fact that its the same game as this years instalment.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Out of interest, are there any local co-op games for the Xbox One? 

    Or is that just not the done thing anymore?

    It depends on the genre/particular game. Sports are fine, and some FPS. But I tried Battlefront with a mate, could only access the missions against CPU, couldn't work out how the both of us could play split screen online.

    Majority of games look at online functionality now it seems

  11. Mainstream indie game I got into on Xbox One was 'Ori and the dark forest'. Came in the bundle, tried it to say I had given it a go. Love it. It always impresses me how much story can be packed into such simple game design. Looks beautiful too.

    The sort of game I wouldn't go out of my way to spend money on, but really glad I've given it time

  12. Just started Just Cause 3, Xbox One. Fun, and that certainly comes across straight away. Not sure I love it yet though, will try and play though main missions then make a judgement. Any thoughts from people who may have played it for awhile now?

  13. Jurassic World - 6/10

    Was comparing it to the original, (rightly or wrongly) didn't come close. Far too cheesy for me.

    Just made me want to buy a Mercedes, have a bottle of coca-cola, and go shopping in Pandora..

    I know what you mean.

    My take on it was it was a "game of two halves"

    First half was cliche, cheesy lines, throwbacks to JP and product placement thrown at you every scene. They also set up the small plot - new dino, big and vicious, oh no... etc etc

    Second half kind of became a tense thriller, with action and good dino scenes. I think it saved the film. Overall, 7/10 for me, as I enjoyed it.

  14. Interstellar.

    Mixed reviews on here for this film previously but I loved it. Typical Christopher Nolan film which forces the audience to try and keep up with it and think a lot along the way, just like Inception. A film more about love and loss than about space & special effects. Very good indeed. 9/10.

    ​I think Nolan's greatest strength as a director is that he never leaves you behind. Hos films don't force feed you everything, but unlike so many films that try to be too clever and fail, his have this way of dragging you along, so you always feel like you know 70% of whats happening, enough to enjoy but knowing theres something you've missed that you'll catch the next time.

    Not seen Interstellar yet, heard same mixed reviews. However, with a lot of his other films, I'm sure this holds true

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