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Year on Year Improvement?


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So, in summary, some say yay, some say nay, some say give it time.

Personally I think that we'll never get anywhere with either Clough or GSE here, but then that's only an opinion. You can carry on debating it if you like, but ATEOTD the only thing that will change my opinion is the evidence of what happens on a satdee afternoon.

Football has changed for me quite considerably in the last 10 years, I went to every game I could in the 3rd division when we were probably as bad as we are now, but I'm not prepared to sit through it any more if I'm not enjoying it, that has changed because of a number of factors;

The escalating cost of going to games means you look at the enjoyment you get out of it and weigh up against the cost, £60 odd quid for me an the lad and a bag of chips is a lot when the football is likely to be 90% rubbish.

I don't seem to have any affinity with any of the players anymore, could be due to getting older, could be the high turnover of staff now, which is exacerbated by all the loanees.

The football used to be an excuse for an all day drinking session, I probably wouldn't have been able to focus on any of it anyway. The more sterile atmosphere at PPS nowadays means it's not really suitable to get that drunk at games like in the 80's, which brings me to the next point.

I loved to sing , shout, abuse the ref, abuse the away fans, cheer our players when they do well, slag them off when they're ****. The sterile atmosphere at grounds now means that you can't do that so much. (I had a great row with a miserable **** at wembley at the play off final ffs, of all the places you SHOULD be passionate about your team).

Anyway for all those reasons I'm out for now, haven't been to a game this season, not sure if I will ever start going again, that's from someone who has lived and breathed DCFC '160 years man and boy blah blah blah'.

Well done to all you who have carried on through the last 3 years, it really has been like watching a car crash, I hope it gets better for you.

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A lot of people would be able to relate to that post, Ramalama - although I'm not sure they'd be on a bb reading about these days. Fans have driffed away - some of it an age thing as you suggest, others just dissilusioned.

However, there's still a big crowd at PP when thinks pick up, so 'our' generation have largely been replaced, so life goes on.

That's probably a thread in itself anyway, so to close out on this one, big hugs to one and all - even those who (I'm sure) would prefer to give me a high tackle!

It's all been said now; although I've no doubt it'll all come up again on another thread soon enough ;)

As Phil Lynott used to say.... until the next toime........

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