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Forum Terms of Use Reminder - Please Read


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Over the last few days we have had a number of issues with a small number of members that are unhappy with the moderation on this forum. I would just like to remind you all of the terms of use with regards to post removal which you all would have agreed to.


You may not agree with moderators opinions on football which is understandable, but we do ask that you respect the job they do on this forum. If you find that your post/topic has removed and would like to know why, please contact a moderator that is online by private message. 

A full list of moderators can be found at https://dcfcfans.uk/staff

Posts made publicly on the forum questioning why your post was removed, or questioning the moderation will also be removed. 

All moderators that are online are highlighted in bold, contact one privately.

As the owner of this forum I will not tolerate any abuse or personal insults towards myself or moderators that give their free time to help run this forum. 

I will also not tolerate potentially libellous content that could jeopardise the future of this forum. 

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences.  

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