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Savage aims to play on with Rams after a change of heart


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Savage is a much different type of role model to Giggs...Giggs is the ultimate Pro in much the same way as Dennis Bergkamp was, respected from all corners of the game but he isn't a motivator on the field like Savage is, therein lies the difference. In fact you need a Savage like player in the middle to allow players like Giggs and Bergkamp to then fully express themselves with a licence to roam.

If i had kids and they were following examples of players then no i wouldn't tell them to follow Savage with his every move and antics but i'd take certain elements of what he has and then combine them with the attitude of a Giggs or Bergkamp.

Of the new breed of players out Lionel Messi has by far the best temperament of anyone.

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Savage is a much different type of role model to Giggs...Giggs is the ultimate Pro in much the same way as Dennis Bergkamp was, respected from all corners of the game but he isn't a motivator on the field like Savage is, therein lies the difference. In fact you need a Savage like player in the middle to allow players like Giggs and Bergkamp to then fully express themselves with a licence to roam.

If i had kids and they were following examples of players then no i wouldn't tell them to follow Savage with his every move and antics but i'd take certain elements of what he has and then combine them with the attitude of a Giggs or Bergkamp.

Of the new breed of players out Lionel Messi has by far the best temperament of anyone.

So your saying Savage has bad attitude ?

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Yes and No Feve...i'll try and elaborate...

I think his reputation comes before him somewhat as soon as his name pops up in conversations or on the telly in pubs etc...if he was a forum poster then i'd classify him as a 'WUM with good intentions', so the occasions where he is serious and full of well meaning nearly everyone thinks he's just joking again. I've found him quite engaging when he's been on Radio 5 during the World Cup so far to be honest.

Regards another side to his attitude on the pitch which needs mentioning...he's yet to be sent off in his professional career which must surely speak volumes about his real character too..he obviously has control and discipline to rein himself in during situations where others can lose their heads and he does play the game with a smile on his face. He's certainly way way off the levels of being a thug/mindless moron like a Joey Barton or David Batty in my opinion.

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probablly but he aint no good anymore tbh, all he does is pass the ball from side to side and slow the game down, clough could have him as a kind of motivating coach or somthing like that because he isnt technically gifted but he winds people up he wants to teach the to do that imagine 11 savages on the pitch with actual skill

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he's in the twilight of his career thats fair to say but it doesn't make him no good anymore...experience counts for a lot, and during your sticky patch last season i'd say thats where Robbie came to the fore and pulled you all together...and no he's not technically gifted, i'm sure he'd admit that but there's nothing wrong in keeping football a simple game and not trying to over complicate things...he's a good break up of opponents play player when he's on top of his form..like McKenna is for us..its more about the engine and reading the game than pace,

having the pace is a damn good bonus though admittedly lol.

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Sorry I stopped reading at twilight of his career, I'm sure it was a very good post but he's in fact at the retirement stage of his career, past his sell by date, mouldy, needs throwing out on the scrapheap or I suppose he could go play on in the A League for another 5 years.

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Pro: He's consistent.

Con: He's average.

Pro: He brings media attention to the club.

Con: A lot of it is bad press.

Pro: He has a lot to say.

Con: He talks too much.

Pro: He is 'down with the kids' and uses Twitter.

Con: He puts pictures on his Twitter that Vicky uses as avatars.

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