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Triathalon for Alzihemer's society


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Hi I'm a new user but me and my brother have supported Derby for nearly 15 years.

I am only 24 and in January 2018 I found out my mum who was 55 years old at the time had dementia. Me and my brother are doing our first triathlon in 11 days time. If you could sponsor us even if it is a £1, I would greatly appreciate it. 


I know this isn't the Derby county sub-section but buzzing for the play-offs but I am generally optimistic and have thought that every season since 2014 would be our year fingers luck this is the year!


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I have donated to the Alzheimers Society so forgive me for not contributing to your very worthy cause mate. I wish you all the best and admire you for attempting the Triathlon and much respect for the training you must be putting in.

My dad is in late stage Alzheimers and its absolutely soul destroying to see a proud, hardworking, loving, family man totally destroyed by this horrible disease.

The care system is broken and every step of the way is a battle against merciless austerity cuts by a society that has decided the poor, sick and disabled are not important. My family have battled for a couple of years now to get help for Dad and my Mum, who heroically tried to keep him at home as long as possible.

My heart goes out to you and your family, especially as this terrible disease has taken hold of your mum at such a young age.


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