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Is it time for a good look at ourself and our captain ?


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I am beginning to wonder what sort of an influence is Savage having on our club, the dressing room and the players around him?

Controversy and trouble seem to follow the bloke around like a shadow, or does he go looking for it?

Is it a coincidence that in the last year or so we have been in trouble with the FA 3 times now, there is friction with the local radio station, there are allegations against players off the field.

If he was outstanding on the field week after week I think I could take all the baggage that comes with him, but to be honest I don't see what he adds to the team, I would be much happier with a central midfield of Tongue & Green.

I am not saying that all of our current issues are solely down to Sav but I just think we have become a bit grubby under his captaincy and to be honest I wouldn't be sad to see the back of him.

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your both fools then :rolleyes:

Would I rather be a fool for having an opinion on a player?, or a complete and utter clueless tool, with my head so far up his arse, that I can't accept anyones opinion on him?.......I'd take being a fool anyday.

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to be fair i think you could be onto something, but then whats the point in having robbie savage in your squad if he isnt doing them things?

this season has needed savage, who else in our squad except for bywater has played near on every game? (im well aware sav missed a game for suspension) his commitment and dedication at the minute is second to none, it cant be taken away from when we were truely dreadful at times as him being one of few players who came away with any credit.

in my eyes he has more than earned his position of captaincy on the pitch this year, when others around him have shied away or gone injured for many months.

i may not enjoy, or condone the trouble he brings, but then in recent years captains of other clubs tend to bring on the trouble, keane at united, vieria at arsenal, terry at chelsea, none of them exactly shy away from the headlines when they were captain. and he clearly thrives on it. and i think he may of actually brought abaout a team spirit again to a side which at times in the last10 years you could debate wether there was any there at all. i wouldnt put all the blame at savages door for the trouble, the mceverly situation, well i think thats something hes had since before we signed.

the fa trouble, well, against swansea, it was a horrible challenge, and on another day could of cause serious injury, i dont think there was any need for everyone to rush to the scene, but it shows that we have a teamwork mentality,which is a good think its important, for the team to progress. and to be fair clough has been talking about wanting it and it being a key feature in his teams plan, that unity, and desire to play for each other and the club

the 2 times against forest, well i think with all the connections its allways gonna fizz over, but that isnt soley down to the derby players, forest players are equally at fault, they incited it at the city ground, we did it at pride park, but then its what we want in a local derby a bit of passion and soul, otherwise whats the point of us getting so worked up about it everyseason?

as for savage and gibson, well gibsons a massive tool, and savage can be a tool, its a recipe for disaster. i think first time gibson was in the wrong. and the second time both of them in the wrong. these things happen but then again ive yet to meet anyone whos heard the interviews to be on gibsons side, thats derby fans and fans of other teams who equally hate savage

(i didnt mean it to be so long when i started)

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I'm singing from the same hymn sheet as you, get ready for Clueless Victoria in 5, 4, 3......

ere we go i remember this conversation a couple of mths ago, i think we all agree he's not the best player! but when all your team m8's go piling in after you been took out it shows the respect they have 4 him! And the dressing room is together!& were not playing that bad either? & at the end of the day thats all what matters init?

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ere we go i remember this conversation a couple of mths ago, i think we all agree he's not the best player! but when all your team m8's go piling in after you been took out it shows the respect they have 4 him! And the dressing room is together!& were not playing that bad either? & at the end of the day thats all what matters init?

i agree lol

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I'm not blaming Savage for the on pitch brawls, I just can't stand him as a "footballer" full stop, to be honest I'm sick of hearing his name at the moment, I'm sick of seeing the Robbie Savage show in the papers, on TV, on the Radio. I just can't seem to get away from him either. I even tuned into listen to Man City v Liverpool on 5 Live, guess who was the summariser?, in his first sentence he made some joke about the Pintado challenge and his legs are going so I switched off.

With regards to "The Brawls", I have no problem with team spirit, respect for each other etc. it's great to see, but it needs to be controlled. I think Clough is also being a little daft with his after match comments regarding these brawls.

After every strong tackle are we going to see a mass brawl? other clubs will pick up on this, rough Savage or whoever up abit and stand back and watch the fireworks, hopefully they'l get a player sent off.

Add to that the FA, are the Americans going to keep funding the fines we pick up? or are they going to take it out Cloughs spending budget.

Share a bath after the game and scrub each others back if they want to show respect, on the pitch show a little maturity and stop these brawls.

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Okay, maybe the bath thing might be a tad bit gay, but Savage didn't need backing up on Saturday, it was a dirty tackle, the ref was going straight over to send the player off, end of.

There was no need for the brawl, we've already been on the end of 2 charges for not controlling players already this season, it's not even been a month since the last one.

What would of happened if Bywater was seen raising his hands to the Swansea player?, Deeney in goal for us against WBA. Not just Bywater either, we struggle with injuries as it is, without losing players to bans for scrapping.

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leeds will gladly take him off your hands, we're lacking that leader/hunger in midfield right now :D

no chance, ill tell you who you can have, we have this amazing winger, some say hes a scottish ronaldinhio, i think hes just god, and do you know what you can have him for 3.5mill, and thats cheap, hes so lucrative every one wanst a bit of him


oh and hes good looking too...

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no chance, ill tell you who you can have, we have this amazing winger, some say hes a scottish ronaldinhio, i think hes just god, and do you know what you can have him for 3.5mill, and thats cheap, hes so lucrative every one wanst a bit of him


oh and hes good looking too...

we actually were after him before you snapped him up from wigan lol :D

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Im amazed that people are still so narrow minded regarding Savage.If every player showed his commitment we would have won a damn sight more games this season.He got carved up on saturday by a horrendous challenge,he hardly started the pushing,neither did he against fo**st.Im glad their is a good team spirit.

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