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Clough - in or out?


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im sick of hearing people whining "he's had no money to spend and all the injuries dont help" well other clubs have no money to spend and everyone has injuries.

Clough has been totally uninspiring since day 1,his signings have been *****,his obsession with former Burton/lower league players is disgusting for a club of Derby's stature,my dog is a better tactition than him,his man-management skills seem to be nonexistent to me.

the truth of the matter is he's way out of his depth and he's too proud or stubborn to ask for help in the form of an experienced no 2 ie Jim Smith would be perfect.

after todays disgraceful showing,losing 4-1 at home he must be expecting the bullet any day now


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he isnt good enough,he is weak,all that ****** about commons just becoming a dad is a distraction.He is a professional footballer,its his job.

Tactics were inept again.I would sack him tomorrow,but who do we replace him with? irvine and ferguson are no longer available.

The sensible thing would be to sack his coaching staff.they are all useless.

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champions league fans.......:D:Dshite infastructure at the club:mad:....isn't steve coppell still available??:confused:

yeah but aparently he wants the reading job back, or at least thats what ive been told, and id see him going there rather than here, partly cause at the minute there isnt a vacancy here

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