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Nigel's first year


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Both uppers behind the goals give a decent view right to the back, not as good as the East or West stand. Pride Park aint that high so you can get a decent view right upto the back row.

The worst seats have to be the first 5 rows of the lower tiers behind each goal, theres no possible way you can get to see whats going off at the other end of the pitch.

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yo daveyboy, youve been smacked down in yer own hood bro!

so wattcha gonna do about dem dissin you down like dat?

yo want me to chip over dare and stick a few caps in dem muffa fukers asses?

dont let dem ho,s n bitches shake you down in yer own hood bro!

keep it real and stay true!

(ps savage does try hard ! but he,s still *****):D

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lol, i agree people can't really comment unless they have seen the game tbh, because at the game you get the full picture atmosphere, players trying, bad passes, good passes, etc but if you watch highlightes or liosten to the radio, they are often biased and dont catch everything where as if you are at the match it does, you can have an opinon and it does count but you got to take flack for not seeing them:)

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Good point my arse, utter tosh thats what that was.

I think it isnt though, because it is impossible to get a full view of a match if your not there. Also if it was why would anyone spend good money to go, if you can experience a match day without going, get a complete view of the game without going then you must be a magic man because it isn't possible

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it aint, tbh it does annoy me that i pay a couple of hundred quid for my season ticket, you pay nothing and think you can have the same exact view, you dont and cant get a full and true picture of the match

Erm, if it annoys you don't buy one and pull up a stool. I've got the beer and snacks, just bring yer sen.

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for me clough is only in the job becasue of his last name, stastically we are no better off now than we were last season and many signings have been poor, the injuries could be becasue of the poor coaches he has bought from burton and what they do in training, i dont like the board, im refusing to pay for the millwall match but i am going to peterborough away, not good enough if i had my way clough jr would ahve been out

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yep, im bored of this argument now

If your bored go back and read what I actually said then, instead of putting words in my mouth. No where did I say I have a better view than season ticket holders, what I said is I have seen enough to form an opinion without getting flack for it. Do you think Torres and Rooney are good players? If so think what your basing your opinion on. And by the way it's never been an argument.

Dangerous has the right idea, back to the original point. Clough has reduced the wage bill and thats all that matters to the Americans, no wonder there happy.

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We could say the same about you, if you lose McKenna, Blackstock and Camp. It depends on the replacements brought in, they could be better, they could be worse, only time will tell.

I keep dropping over each side of the fence with Clough, on one hand I totally agree, but the other, could he of done much better given the injuries we've had, and the board only interested in cutting back the wage bill.

Had we had £6m to spend like you lot, would he have brought in better players or more lower league players?.

I want to see what Cloughie does when he's given money to spend, if Hulse and Commons go we'l soon find out.

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But what can he do ? you can't make a silk purse from a sows ear as they say.

While conceding that a slighter larger purse would be nice, Clough also realises the need for prudence now.

He said: “In an ideal situation we’d like a few million to spend.

“Daily we talk about targets, and there’s players out there who we’d love to bring in on permanent deals, players who are available on quite modest transfer fews, considering what has been paid in the past.

“But it might be the case that one or two have to go to bring four or five in, and that’s the way we have to go.â€Â

Clough celebrated a year since being unveiled as Derby boss on Wedesday, and admitted than in the current climate, that was quite a long stint.


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