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The Gym


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After avoiding gyms for the last two years I've decided to join again.

It's time to transform myself from unfit chicken wristed flat packed Joe to a ripped Joe.

I'm not lifting anything heavy but am still in pain. I'm sure it's all good though.

I did 100 sit ups yesterday and my tummy is in agony!

Does anyone use the gym much or are you keen to avoid it at all costs?

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ive contemplated it for the last 4 months, might join one after christmas, put i get my daily dose of excercise walking to and from work everyday at the minute, crappy but all the time i have at the minute!

Gyms always get really crowded in January for that New Years Resolution ********. Then in February they don't go but sit at home crying because they can't get out of a 12-month £30 a month contract for gym membership that they scarcely use. :rolleyes::D

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