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Derby County v WBA


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Listened on 5 Live Sport Extra, we were ****** robbed by a **** ref again. Fully deserved the 3 points, all I can say is Leicester rejects, Leicester rejects whoa whoa. You lot with little faith in Dickov and DJ, what have I been sayin!....ok maybe I were wrong. Happy with the point but ******* pissed off with not taking all 3.

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We woz robbed of 3 valuable points :frown: shitty ref and dirty cheating baggies ! :mad: at least we fought back twice - sounded like a big improvement - and Nigel just said he will probably stick to 4-4-2 from now on - yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo he has seen sense at last. Dickov motm and over 30,000 again -

On the down side - Green and Barker and Miles all out - Green may be back for Tues but doubtfull.

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i only got to the game for the start of second half,

the ref was crap, missed some obvious fouls and blew up for some stuff i wasnt sure what happened!

thought we played well, had some bite in midfield which looked nice, cant understand where all your lot negativity came from the last couple of weeks! :p

would off been nice to see clough make a sub bout 10 mins before he did

was an enjoyable half of football, cant comment about first half!

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Just got back from my trip to Derby. :)

Ref was gash. Made so many rubbish decisions against us.

We deserved 3 points and got 1. However, let's take positives. Derby played amazingly this weekend.

A very tense ending. Even where I was sitting in the Toyota Upper everyone was getting into it.

At home having the crowd behind a passionate team is vital.

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A very tense ending. Even where I was sitting in the Toyota Upper everyone was getting into it.


thats where i was it was quite nice to have a bit of atmosphere there, last time it was like that in there i was sat there against man u when we won 1-0!

even the north stand seemed like it had a bit of atmosphere

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the west stand did give it some tho i was surprised lol

I loved the did you cry at wembley chant lol

and the celebrating for no reason taking the pee out of them lol

I jumped 2 rows of seats when we scored the equaliser, made doin loads of penalties in the rain alot more bearable lol

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