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Film Downloads


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The police would only give a toss if you decided to burn them onto DVDs and sell them on.

The government spent 2 years and god knows how many millions working with the 5 major internet service providers in the UK to tackle the threat and do you know what they came up with?  If you're caught downloading illegal content you will....................................................................................................... receive a letter from your service provider explaining that what you're doing isn't allowed, and you should stop it.  That's it, not even a second, more stern warning, not another mention of it ever again!

I don't take the p155 too much as I still pay for a lot of my music, go to see plenty of films at the cinema, rent occasionally on Sky Store and buy the odd film off iTunes.  But considering the UK has been royally shafted for years on the price of VHS, CD, DVD and Blu ray I think it's only fair to save a spot of cash where you can.

I was having a laugh mate ,

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I must admit, I have downloaded a lot of the top movies for the past 18 months off YFIFY, the 1080 downloads are of excellent quality, but I do miss the dts and true HD sound effects that go with a Blu-Ray disc, I just started doing it to save money from buying the Blu ray disc, and then thinking, well that was pants I'll never watch that again, and then that's £15 gripper up the swanny

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