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Time to stop buying newspapers


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Big Brother is back this Thursday which means all the tabloids will either be the official, unofficial or fans favourite BB newspaper.

Thank god the missus doesn't like it otherwise I would of had to start going to bed early, are there any hidden fans amongst us?

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Originally posted by vicky-27;17270

NO :eek: I detest big brother and i can't stand shouty Davina - i shall def not be watching - and you are right about the papers - pages and pages of crap.

i agree with all of the above,well said Vicky

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I might have to try switching papers now I'm getting older and actually read them, with the Sun and the Star you can flick through the pretty pictures of semi naked women then read a small football columns at the back, with other papers they use big clever words in 2 page articles which usually bore me, maybe its time to change.

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