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James McClean threatened to be killed


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Bloody Sunday can't be compared to a war. It was much more recent and a massacre of civilians, in which the report only came out a year ago. I'm not saying whether he was right or wrong, but I can definitely understand his decision not to wear one. He observed the silence might I add.

The tradition of wearing a poppy as an act of remembrance started after ww1 which is why remembrance sunday in on armistice day.

"Many men from Northern Ireland lost their lives during the Somme offensive. The 36th (Ulster) Division, the 16th (Irish) Division and the 1st Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers were among those units who suffered heavy casualties.

The men lived in deep trenches, where conditions were appalling and when it rained everything just turned to mud. When the "Over the Top" order was given the soldiers scrambled up the ladders out of the trenches and marched forward side by side. As the air became thick with machine gun fire, friend fell next to friend, brother next to brother".

Some people understand what is respectful.

some people don't.


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