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  1. One would assume it's none at all. Maybe it's different at RB and a light harassment is all in the job description. I used to work in the industry (and still have some contacts at an Oxfordshire team) and knew him from Arden and the early days of RB. He always was a massive tool. Said contacts have suggested this could be the tip of the iceberg and that there is more on the drive than what is doing the rounds. I do hope it's not him bashing one out or 'exploding' as he puts it. 🤢
  2. I've seen the Google drive and it doesn't look good for Horner. It may seem 'tame' but there are certain instances where he's telling her to delete the messages and 'offering her a way out' in leaving her job. She also asks him to stop on several occasions. Also, it just makes him look like a massive creep and a horny sex pest teenager. He's just weird. For me, he has to go. If I was him I would walk before I was pushed.
  3. beardyjim

    Darren Moore

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/68282297 Not sure where they plucked 5 and a half years from, probably not worth the paper it's written on, mind.
  4. beardyjim

    Ryan Allsop

    Looks like our Liam is slowly trying to get the band back together https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/ryan-allsop-cardiff-hull-city-8709288
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