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Posts posted by duncanjwitham

  1. 54 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    Players don’t always work out .

    Take Anya for one .

    Thats not MM fault he has to go on Manager recommendations for players. 

    Does he? He’s supposed to be the one in charge. It’s entirely within his remit to have a formal club policy that says, amongst other things, “we don’t spend £4.5m on 29 year olds”. And if managers aren’t willing to work within a policy like that, you don’t give that manager a job.

    it won’t prevent all bad signings, obviously, but it would have stopped some of the more idiotic ones over the last few seasons.

  2. 46 minutes ago, VulcanRam said:

    We don't have to be geniuses to work out that the club is in dire financial straights. Yet again the club cannot afford to pay its players and Mel has to dip into his own pocket. This is a situation that has been going on for well over a year. 

    To be fair though, I don't think think the club has been in a position to completely pay it's own players for a *long* time. Owners have been putting money in to cover running costs (the biggest of which is always going to be wages) since at least the days of Gadsby and co, if not long before that.

    That's not to say some owners have made the situation worse than others with profligate spending though.

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