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robbie savage : i would have done the same as henry


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I dont give a toss what Gerrard says.He doesnt have a newspaper column as far as im aware.Gerrard isnt captain of my club.Savage is and as blinkered as any fan can be surely there is no excuse for cheating? If footballers and fans are going to condone it we might as well all pack up now.

If any of the kids in my team cheated (which they dont) I would be furious.Its bad enough seeing kids rolling around on the floor after a tackle.

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Honesty hasn't got anything to do with it, as a captain you don't write in the press that you condone cheating, in fact no player should be writing that in the press.

True footballers cheat, it goes on and theres no denying it and Savage is quite clearly one of those players that does cheat to gain an advantage. Save it for his book once he's retired if he still feels the need to say it's ok to cheat, not whilst he's this clubs captain.

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Sorry if it upsets anyone especially coming from a red dog, but Savage is a disgrace and an embarassment to your club!

and as for the comparisons, the coffee cup wasn't cheating, it was luck... and to be fair - quite funny!

and if you beat us because of cheating (or we beat you because of cheating) it'd be a hollow victory... we'd all know it... there would be no pride in it at all

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Doesn't upset me it's the truth, Mirror column, The Football League Show and MOTD2, he can feck off now if thats what he wants to do. And that goes to any player who thinks they can spout ***** in the press and ponce about on TV.

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