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Bloodwars, I invite you to join!


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Now i know the majority of you are extremely old here(ha!) but i thought i'd post it here too anyway ;)


Bloodwars is a free browser based MMORPG
Impersonate a vampire in post nuclear world and fight for dominance in the only city that survived the apocalypse.

You begin the game as a newly-changed vampire, without support, having only what you managed to find in surrounding ruins.

During the course of the game you'll do many quests penetrating the ruined world, seeking every patch of the past that will help you defeat your enemies. You will fight against other vampires dwelling in the city to gain resources, experience and respect. You will battle to protect every yard of those few alleys called the square. You will also lay sieges trying to get through to wealthier districts called the zones. However, you won't be alone during these heroic battles. Your clanmates will support you on the way to power.
Sounds good eh? i'll get down to the problem quickly :p, we have only one English underworld server where the supposed population is 18,000 but it's all a lie, we only have about 200 active players and this is declining, what we need is new enthusiastic members to this game! (this is where you lot come in "http://cdn.ggftw.com/smilies/wink" title="Wink" alt="wink"> )

we are a friendly bunch and would welcome anyone new "http://cdn.ggftw.com/smilies/smile" title="Smile" alt="smile">
I advise at the very least to try it, it is a very addictive game "http://cdn.ggftw.com/smilies/smile" title="Smile" alt="smile">

I hope to see alot of new faces soon!, feel free to use my referral link "http://cdn.ggftw.com/smilies/smile" title="Smile" alt="smile">

R1EN - Blood Wars

Official Site

Blood Wars

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