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April Jones


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I didn't see this till just - the defence have her name, but the defendant will not know it. If she's feeling vulnerable or intimidated, she can apply for special measures, just get in touch with Witness Care - then when she's at court, she will be looked after by Witness Service. She can have screens round her and sometimes people can give evidence via video link. If she gets any intimidation whatsoever, she should contact the police immediately. Your 'missus' is doing her bit for society and I know it can be a pain and frightening but she's doing the right thing and it's a shame that sometimes the justice system doesn't understand what it means to give evidence. I hope she gets looked after properly.

The detective who took the statement came into the shop yesterday and took another statement of fear I think it was called, this is handed to the judge which basically says she doesn't wish to attend court as she is in fear of standing up in court against him and that her statement is read out in court instead. We're waiting now to see if that's accepted or not.

There has also been some confusion with our address being given, what she didn't realise is that the address is in fact our shop address where the incident took place that has been written in the statement. Despite calls to the CPS every day this week it's only just been cleared up.

It's not helped tho but made matters worse if anything as he's got friends who live opposite the shop and he's outside the house all day, he's even been in the shop a couple times buying fish food.

She realises her mistake of not reading the statement at the time and just signing it

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