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My Foot


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It hurts.

First started about 2 weeks ago, walking along and bang felt like summart snapped and I had pain from the top of me foot, under my ankle and up the back of mr foot. I could move it but it bloody hurt so I guessed I hadn't broke owt, after all I was only walking. Missus grabbed me a beer, and I put me foot up.

Still had the pain when went to bed and woke up so decided to strap it up, there's no swelling, no blackness, nothing at all. Anyhow took a few days and it started easing up so I took the strapping off. Could still feel it slightly but not serious.

Anyhow, few days after that going up the stairs you know when you bounce up sometimes in a rush for a pee? Well doing that and bang it went again. When I say bang there isn't actually a "bang". Did the same strapped it up and kept it on for a week, took it off yesterday.

Right, just went up the stairs again and yup bang, it's gone again. Wtf is up with it? Am I gonna die? Don't like doctors or hospitals but if I'am gonna die I might go. Any foot experts out there that can diagnose me over the Internet?

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It's not the heel as such it's on top of my foot, under the ankle bone and up the back of me foot. Can stand there no pain unless I'm stood still for a while, it's when my foot/ankle moves to walk

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It's not the heel as such it's on top of my foot, under the ankle bone and up the back of me foot. Can stand there no pain unless I'm stood still for a while, it's when my foot/ankle moves to walk

Pain on top of your foot?

Try this. If it is this, it means having a cast on for 6 weeks. A perfect excuse to stay in your chair anyway 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />


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Go to the hopsital, if it was just a one off pain then I would say give it a rest and see how it feels a week later. However because it is recurring then something is obviously wrong and needs to be fixed.

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On iPad so couldn't upload my "diagram" so had to upload to Twitter


probable tarsal ligament injury mate.........frozen peas or ice in a towel on affected area for 20 mins, keep elevated, take ibuprofen 200-400 twice daily....and rest it....no sudden dashing for the bog
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probable tarsal ligament injury mate.........frozen peas or ice in a towel on affected area for 20 mins, keep elevated, take ibuprofen 200-400 twice daily....and rest it....no sudden dashing for the bog

Oi! That's taken! Tendon ligament, potato potarto, let's call the whole thing off.
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probable tarsal ligament injury mate.........frozen peas or ice in a towel on affected area for 20 mins, keep elevated, take ibprofen 200-400 twice daily....and rest it....no sudden dashing for the bog

Would this strapping I've got on help or hinder it?

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