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Ched Evans sentenced to 5 years after being found guilty of rape


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That remains to be seen.

I'm amazed SUFC haven't given him the boot yet - could it be it's because he's their top goal scorer and isn't he their player of the year? They won't do themselves any favours if they are seen to be supporting a rapist. Have the Blades actually got anyone in yet who can effectively lead?

How many men get A) convicted of rape, B ) sent down and C) get to keep their jobs?

What does that say about them as a club?

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Let's be honest, the reporting of this case has been woeful and is directly responsible for the amount of online arguments I've seen.

There is clearly more to the verdict than has been reported, which leads me to believe that certain facts are under injunction – otherwise there are too many things that make no sense – most obviously how they can have acquitted one man and sent the other down for 5 years.

At the end of the day we are supposed to have faith in the judicial system and the verdict of an impartial jury.

The fact that his sister is campaigning for an appeal suggests that they are either very stupid or they are aware of facts that aren't in the public domain.

I don't actually care as it's none of my business but I'm a bit sick of reading polarised views from people who know nothing more about it than what they've read

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I'd go for the former, they're blades fans aren't they? It's fair to say from some of the comments they've said, they're utter numpties who aren't doing the club or it's rep many favours.

One fan says he's confident that the appeal will be held before Friday & that Evans will play on Saturday.


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What next? A 'Save Ched the ripper' banner? Disgusting & pathetic.


Why can't you have a dislike button!

As for the appeal, well there are things that are not known and not in the public domain, so who knows. Its just bizarre that the first guy git aquitted, and Ched didn't.

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Thes best way I can make a comparison is that you would borrow money off someone who said yes and was fine, but you wouldn't borrow money off someone who had dementia because they are in a state which they cannot adequately give consent and you would be taking advantage of them. This is the same as someone saying yes when they are so inebriated they cannot stand, they are in no fit state. I am not commenting on the Evans case as I don't know the evidence, but I am talking about all cases like this.

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Why can't you have a dislike button!

As for the appeal, well there are things that are not known and not in the public domain, so who knows. Its just bizarre that the first guy git aquitted, and Ched didn't.

I spent all of Tuesday angry at that group. They are well moderated, too....the second anyone even asks questions they get deleted!! A load of them banged on about people just hearing the verdict and not bothering to read any articles, which "prooved" his innocence. I said that I'd followed the trial on BBC and various other news sites, and everything I've read points to rape, so could anyone point me in the direction of some articles to suggest otherwise? I got told to "Just read as many articals (sic) as you can." Needless to say, my comments were deleted seconds later. I've come to the firm conclusion that these Blades ****** just don't understand what rape actually is, and are willfully overlooking it for their top scorer. I think many of them are hoping that by standing by a convicted rapist he will be persuaded to stay with them next season!

My feeling as to why the first bit of scum got let off is because the girl had spent a large part of the evening with him, rather than it being spur of the moment, though I don't think for a second he should have got off either!

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I think one needs to be controversial, however there is a difference between being a contrarian standing up for rightous causes and just spouting nonsense, misrepresenting arguments and stating 'facts' which the daily mail coin up without a shred of evidence e.g "murderers receive considerably less than 5 years". This quite simply is not true, if you murder someone i.e you are charged with it and the trial comes to a guilty verdict of murder you will receive a minimum of around 13 years Iam led to believe. For under 18's it is only 12 years that is the minimum they can give.

fair enough, perhaps I was a bit fast and loose with my facts, but I'm sure I've seen headlines about people being released after 2, 3, 4 years recently. maybe not for full blown murder mind. we actually have a family friend who's doing less than 5 years for vehicular manslaughter (we think that's a travesty of justice in itself, but that's a different story). of course we don't know all the details of chefs case, the fact they there is video evidence probably means it was pretty open and shut, and the judge has given an appropriate sentence

however, I still stand by what I said about girls having too much power to destroy a guys life and livelihood. I don't think that's right. if your with a girl, chatting to the girl, getting happily pissed together, both make the decision to go back to yours, but in the morning she regrets the decision and cries rape its then the guys job to prove her wrong, there's no innocent until proven guilty in all this.I think there's a lot of inequality in this.

and you said yourself, it can sometimes depend on the various states of drunkenness of the two parties, but its almost like you need a little idiots guide cheat sheet to get through it. how many pissed up blokes are able to exercise common sense, or girls for that matter?

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Although he has been found guilty there is an appeal on the way. The appeal will be lodged with the Judges in London who will decide whether there is enough information or that there are discrepancies in the evidence which were not taken into full account. If the decision is that there is not enough for an appeal then that is the end of it and should imagine that Sheff Utd will sack him. However if the courts feel that an appeal is right and just and in the public interest (not in his interest) then I should imagine a retrial will be arranged. Therefore until this decision is made although he has been convicted and found guilty there is an element of doubt.

Rape is a horrible offence and one that used to really upset me in the police because of the damage it does to the victim both physically and mentally. However if the evidence points to the fact that Chad is actually innocent in the long run this is something he may never recover from as he has been convicted at the moment and even if found innocent a majority of people will look at this more than he is innocent as that is the nature of the offence.

Whichever way you look at it if guilty as the current conviction then he has wasted what was a promising career, Marlon king found it difficult after a sexual assault and finds it difficult when he plays still now. Imagine when he comes out and starts playing again the abuse he would get. If he is ultimately found not guilty and innocent of this offence, his immaturity and arrogance of believing he is gods gift to women as he plays football will result in the same reputation as if he was guilty and the abuse he will receive even though innocent could force him out of the game.

Either way he is an idiot and feel no sympathy for him because he acted and only thought of himself and his ***** and not what the affects of it would be.

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I don't think it's a case of women having too much power to ruin someones life TigerTed. The CPS will not push for a prosecution unless they feel there is enough evidence. If they think there isn't, then the complaintant will get told so and it goes no further. They are then offered counselling and try to get on with things the best they can. And surely, if anyones life has been ruined, it's hers, not his? After all, the evidence must have said that it's her who's been raped & violated, hence the guilty verdict. People are not convicted when the evidence is rubbish.

It will be interesting to know what Evans says when his retrial starts, what other evidence to prove his innocence can he have that hasn't already been heard in court in the first place? Appeals puzzle me for this reason - do people hope they will get a more lenient judge & jury or maybe hope their counsell can find a legal loophole somewhere?

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I think its quite clear now looking back what happened, she said she cannot remember shagging either so they both get charged,

the first can prove that she managed to get to his hotel room of her own accord and fook her so not quilty.

however mr evans, then goes in having not text her not arranged to meet her and does her whilst she is asleep from being too drunk.

Definitively rape in my eyes, yes I have changed my stance on reading more on the story like how he snook into the room when his mate had gone to order a taxi and then left via fire exit!!

if you look at it on those facts i dont see how it can not be classed as rape, she had no contact with him and didnt go to that hotel to **** him!

however she should be in trouble for wasting police time on the first instance as its pretty obvious she consented to getting dropped off in a taxi and managed to stroll upto his hotel room!!

(Await the backlash on that comment)

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I have to admit when the verdict was first out I was a little shocked at the decision (1 being let off and the other not etc) but there are clearly more facts to this case which I am not privy to and, at the end of the day he has been convicted pending an appeal - it is fairly clear he was wrong and it will have a catastrophic effect on his career, but I find it difficult to have an opinion on his guilt as I don't have the evidence and neither does anyone here so you have to respect the decision..

The girl is the real victim here though and the next few months are going to be very tough for her - I just really hope she does not come out with a story in the sun in the next few months though, or ever for that matter - she will be offered a load of money but it would add fuel to the fire and just encourage the free Ched brigade...

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I suspect he'll be free'd when the case is re-examined, I would like people to know how common this is though, I know of many, many similar cases and I bet this happens 100s of times every weekend in this country.

due to this, I can't class this as rape, otherwise you draw a new line and there would be 100s of these cases a week, if I got drunk and had sex with a girl and couldn't remember it could I claim rape? I don't know... but I hope this doesn't bring on more cases, which I think it will.

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I suspect he'll be free'd when the case is re-examined, I would like people to know how common this is though, I know of many, many similar cases and I bet this happens 100s of times every weekend in this country.

due to this, I can't class this as rape, otherwise you draw a new line and there would be 100s of these cases a week, if I got drunk and had sex with a girl and couldn't remember it could I claim rape? I don't know... but I hope this doesn't bring on more cases, which I think it will.

Ambitious, you didnt answer me last time, so Ill ask again.

If you were drunk went home with a nice female who you went to bed with, and woke up next morning not remembering anything with a sore bottom, and then saw a video where some bloke came into the room whilst you were asleep and took advantage of you, would you still not be bothered ?

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I think its quite clear now looking back what happened, she said she cannot remember shagging either so they both get charged,

the first can prove that she managed to get to his hotel room of her own accord and fook her so not quilty.

however mr evans, then goes in having not text her not arranged to meet her and does her whilst she is asleep from being too drunk.

Definitively rape in my eyes, yes I have changed my stance on reading more on the story like how he snook into the room when his mate had gone to order a taxi and then left via fire exit!!

if you look at it on those facts i dont see how it can not be classed as rape, she had no contact with him and didnt go to that hotel to **** him!

however she should be in trouble for wasting police time on the first instance as its pretty obvious she consented to getting dropped off in a taxi and managed to stroll upto his hotel room!!

(Await the backlash on that comment)

The last statement is open to debate, but I reckon the gist of your post is probably correct and as close to the events as we will ever know.

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Ambitious, you didnt answer me last time, so Ill ask again.

If you were drunk went home with a nice female who you went to bed with, and woke up next morning not remembering anything with a sore bottom, and then saw a video where some bloke came into the room whilst you were asleep and took advantage of you, would you still not be bothered ?

I wouldn't be happy about it 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' /> 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' />

I wouldn't ring the police though, and to a certain point you have only yourself to blame for getting into that situation... I'm a bit more careful when I am out so the chances of me ending up in a 3 way are very slim 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dry' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<_<' />

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Ambitious if Ched evans hadnt snook into the room whilst she was asleep whether this was through drink is regardless she went there with the intention to sleep with the other bloke,

what ched evans did is no better than a burglar breaking into your house whilst asleep and raping you? surely his mate knew he was going to do it though so is guilty of letting it happen??

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Bugger, the edit button doesn't want to appear on my crappy phone. If some kind mod would like to delete my last duplicated post, that would be nice.

Also, ill just add, my days of pulling girls, conscious or otherwise, are long behind me. It's things like this that make me glad I'm married. The minefield of Saturday night is no longer my problem. Che Evans can keep it, and leave me at home with the voice.

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