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Ched Evans sentenced to 5 years after being found guilty of rape


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Let's not forget that poor lass, as I think sometimes the victim is thought less of than the guilty party. I hope now she can get on with rebuilding her life.

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Sheffield United have launched an inquiry into Twitter comments by a team-mate of Ched Evans after the Wales international was jailed for rape.

The club said it was "aware of a very serious matter" following the posting by reserve team player Connor Brown.

It comes as legal experts expressed concern over the alleged naming of Evans's victim by other Twitter users.

Former Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer said anyone who published the name of a rape victim was committing a crime.

Evans, 23, was jailed for five years on Friday for raping a 19-year-old woman in Rhyl, Denbighshire.

Victims of rape and other sexual assaults are guaranteed the right to lifetime anonymity.

Naming a complainant, regardless of the outcome of the case, is contempt of court and can be punishable with a prison term.

North Wales Police are investigating reports that the woman has been named and abused on Twitter.

Lord Falconer said many people wrongly believed that social media websites were somehow exempt from the laws prohibiting the identification of rape complainants.

He said: "If they are a means of publishing people's names, when people's names should be kept secret, then that just as much infringes the law as doing it in a newspaper.

"You can comment on things, we don't want to try to chill free speech, but there are certain limits beyond which the law will not allow you to go.

"And one of those limits is identifying the names and identity of rape victims."

Cardiff-based criminal law barrister Andrew Taylor said: "I think the biggest threat we've got to jury trials is the advent of the internet."

"It's very, very dangerous. Judges these days in courts every day will say to jurors, 'don't go home and do your own research on the internet. Don't use the internet'.

"We've had cases in the past where jurors have contacted witnesses and complainants in the case - and been sent to prison for doing it.

"It doesn't take an awful lot of computer knowledge to put names in search engines and come up perhaps with things that have happened many years ago, sometimes wrongly reported.

"The law was written in an age before the internet and social networking sites, and what I suspect is Parliament will encourage now... the toughening up of laws surrounding contempt of court."

His comments came as North Wales Police said they were "collating all relevant information" following alleged comments on Twitter.

Det Ch Insp Steve Williams said: ''As and when criminal offences are identified on such websites they will be dealt with robustly and the offenders will be brought to justice.

'Too drunk to consent'

"We find this to be profoundly disturbing and are determined to seek out those responsible."

"I would advise people who post such status and tweets to consider the implications of their action and those who add comments to appreciate that they may be condoning such behaviour and contributing to the continued trauma upon this young woman."

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I am personally in disbelief about it in all honesty... it's a nothing story, and his got 5 years in prison because of it?

she got drunk, two blokes had sex with her... she woke up and couldn't remember it... in modern day England this is hardly a rare case and in my opinion it is certainly not rape..An immoral move on his behalf but worthy of 5 years in prison, not on your ******* life.

I feel for the girls that are actually forced to the ground, beaten and raped... not the ones that pass out through drinking AFTER going to the hotel room by her own accord, completely different situations but obviously it depends where you draw the line in your own mind... I personally wouldn't do it, but I know of people who've had sex with girls that have passed out... a few cases infact.

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I am personally in disbelief about it in all honesty... it's a nothing story, and his got 5 years in prison because of it?

she got drunk, two blokes had sex with her... she woke up and couldn't remember it... in modern day England this is hardly a rare case and in my opinion it is certainly not rape..An immoral move on his behalf but worthy of 5 years in prison, not on your ******* life.

I feel for the girls that are actually forced to the ground, beaten and raped... not the ones that pass out through drinking AFTER going to the hotel room by her own accord, completely different situations but obviously it depends where you draw the line in your own mind... I personally wouldn't do it, but I know of people who've had sex with girls that have passed out... a few cases infact.

If that is the case with those that you know, then in the eyes of the law that is rape, as concent cannot be inferred if the person is not conscious.

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I am personally in disbelief about it in all honesty... it's a nothing story, and his got 5 years in prison because of it?

she got drunk, two blokes had sex with her... she woke up and couldn't remember it... in modern day England this is hardly a rare case and in my opinion it is certainly not rape..An immoral move on his behalf but worthy of 5 years in prison, not on your ******* life.

I feel for the girls that are actually forced to the ground, beaten and raped... not the ones that pass out through drinking AFTER going to the hotel room by her own accord, completely different situations but obviously it depends where you draw the line in your own mind... I personally wouldn't do it, but I know of people who've had sex with girls that have passed out... a few cases infact.

Thing is though - the other guy got cleared while admitting it. I am willing to bet we don't know the full details of this case and there has to be a reason why he has been cleared and Evans has been sent down.

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I am personally in disbelief about it in all honesty... it's a nothing story, and his got 5 years in prison because of it?

she got drunk, two blokes had sex with her... she woke up and couldn't remember it... in modern day England this is hardly a rare case and in my opinion it is certainly not rape..An immoral move on his behalf but worthy of 5 years in prison, not on your ******* life.

I feel for the girls that are actually forced to the ground, beaten and raped... not the ones that pass out through drinking AFTER going to the hotel room by her own accord, completely different situations but obviously it depends where you draw the line in your own mind... I personally wouldn't do it, but I know of people who've had sex with girls that have passed out... a few cases infact.

He's been found guilty in a court of law, which is good enough for me. I'm not sure why one is guilty while the other isn't but General is right, there must be a reason for it.

And you know guys who have had sex with girls after they've passed out?? Those fellas have nowt to be proud of, it's just a way to take advantage and shows selfishness on a gross scale. Is that rape? I'd say so, there's no way they can openly consent.

Men like that make me sick.

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I am personally in disbelief about it in all honesty... it's a nothing story, and his got 5 years in prison because of it?

she got drunk, two blokes had sex with her... she woke up and couldn't remember it... in modern day England this is hardly a rare case and in my opinion it is certainly not rape..An immoral move on his behalf but worthy of 5 years in prison, not on your ******* life.

I feel for the girls that are actually forced to the ground, beaten and raped... not the ones that pass out through drinking AFTER going to the hotel room by her own accord, completely different situations but obviously it depends where you draw the line in your own mind... I personally wouldn't do it, but I know of people who've had sex with girls that have passed out... a few cases infact.

What if you want back to a party and passed out and woke and someone had put there privates up your backside. Wouldnt that be rape then?

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I am personally in disbelief about it in all honesty... it's a nothing story, and his got 5 years in prison because of it?

she got drunk, two blokes had sex with her... she woke up and couldn't remember it... in modern day England this is hardly a rare case and in my opinion it is certainly not rape..An immoral move on his behalf but worthy of 5 years in prison, not on your ******* life.

I feel for the girls that are actually forced to the ground, beaten and raped... not the ones that pass out through drinking AFTER going to the hotel room by her own accord, completely different situations but obviously it depends where you draw the line in your own mind... I personally wouldn't do it, but I know of people who've had sex with girls that have passed out... a few cases infact.

I tend to agree.

If she had passed out and they had a way of proving it then he deserves his punishment. Was she still concious when he ****** her? We're never gunna know so cant really pass judgement without those facts.

If she was concious but just off her face then i think this is really unfair.

Really dont understand how she was too drunk to consent to one bloke but not to another probably about 20 minutes earlier.

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Can men file for rape from a girl?

In answer to your question Bris, you have to look at the revised Sexual Offences Act 2003 - but yes, they can.

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I am personally in disbelief about it in all honesty... it's a nothing story, and his got 5 years in prison because of it?

she got drunk, two blokes had sex with her... she woke up and couldn't remember it... in modern day England this is hardly a rare case and in my opinion it is certainly not rape..An immoral move on his behalf but worthy of 5 years in prison, not on your ******* life.

I feel for the girls that are actually forced to the ground, beaten and raped... not the ones that pass out through drinking AFTER going to the hotel room by her own accord, completely different situations but obviously it depends where you draw the line in your own mind... I personally wouldn't do it, but I know of people who've had sex with girls that have passed out... a few cases infact.

You know people who've had sex with someone after they had passed out? I will try to be as polite as possible but what is wrong with you? why didn't you contact the police when you were in conversation about this disgusting act which certainly is rape. People seem to be under the impression that rape only occurs when you force someone to have sex with you, this is simply false. Rape covers forcing someone to have sex but also sex without consent, this could mean having sex with someone who is under the age of 16 that is considered statutory rape, when someone is too inebriated to consent yet you are not and having sex when someone is asleep or passed out.

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You know people who've had sex with someone after they had passed out? I will try to be as polite as possible but what is wrong with you? why didn't you contact the police when you were in conversation about this disgusting act which certainly is rape. People seem to be under the impression that rape only occurs when you force someone to have sex with you, this is simply false. Rape covers forcing someone to have sex but also sex without consent, this could mean having sex with someone who is under the age of 16 that is considered statutory rape, when someone is too inebriated to consent yet you are not and having sex when someone is asleep or passed out.

It happens more than you may think, on a few occasions I've heard stories that girls have gone back and they've passed out, in other cases the lad as passed out and it's worked the other way... my moral compass may just be a little more laid back in terms of this, and other stuff because in all honesty if I got drunk off my tits and some fat girl ********** me while I was passed out, I wouldn't go to the police, I would make it a story in my repertoire of 'things that happen when you drink too much'

I don't like this because she was drunk, and made her way up to the hotel room... even not knowing the full details, that irritates me.

I also don't like the stories of the 15 year old and downward girls that lie about their age... there was a story of reading youth players who had sex with a girl, who then went to police... she admitted to saying she was 19 when she was infact 15, they were still convicted guilty.

rape for me is when a girl is FORCED against her will, in both these cases... a girl has passed out during sex after a heavy night out, not that un-common and another has lied in order to have sex but obviously people have their own line in the sand.

I just don't like the idea of if I was on a night out, after drinking heavily and I take a girl back we get into a situation where she passes out and then the next day the police knock on my door and I end up spending 5 years in prison, it's a sickening and worrying thought.

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