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Ched Evans sentenced to 5 years after being found guilty of rape


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I got the jist that MacDonald took her back to the hotel room, started doing the deed and then walked out when Ched Evans arrived and asked if he could join in.. He then went down to reception and asked the duty manager to make sure she got home OK.. (Sounds rather normal)

What sounded dodgy was why Ched Evans wanted to join in and then why did he leave through the Emergency exit without telling anyone.. I guess the woman was completely out of it while Ched Evans decided to have his turn then left without anyone wanting to know about it (It does sound dodgy as hell on his part)

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But as you say Shake n Bake, if she said yes and was in control of her actions, how is that rape? If she wasn't in control of he actions from the beginning, surely MacDonald would have realised this and taken advantage anyway.. Sounds strange either way.

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Like Red_Dawn says, either way Ched is scum..

Who would honestly want to nail a drunk girl after your friend has just finished with her.. Not only that, the trouble he went to to doing it, decieving the checker for the keycard, entering the room whilst the others are at it and then asks to 'join in' all this whilst he had a girlfriend at the time..

He is scum.

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Well he got what he deserved in my view. It clearly wasn't really consensual as the woman was in no fit state to consent to commit that action. However how Mr Donaldson wasn't found guilty is beyond me. The only way I can explain it is if Mr Evans knew she was intoxicated beyond belief and planned to sleep with her during that period, where as maybe Mr Donaldson wasn't aware she was in such a state and just stated he had found a girl willing to sleep with him. However I am bemused by the decision to send one down and not another.

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