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Plea to members from Brighton fan


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Request from Triggers Twin of the Brighton North Stand Chat Forum - originally found here:


PLEASE give it your attention ...

[size=5]Stiliyan Petrov - and what I'm going to do about it[/size]

Hi Chaps,

I heard the sad news about Stiliyan Petrov, and this brought home very much my personal situation where my little 3 year old boy has AML (a nasty form of Leukeamia) and is about to have a bone marrow transplant with 50:50 chance of survival.

With this I have decided to do a long bike ride around the island of Zealand in Denmark this Autumn in aid of Leukeamia and Lymphoma Research.

Leukeamia is a horrendous diesease and anything I can do to prevent future generations getting it is worth while imo. I've already had 2 members of my family pass away with blood cancers, so having my little boy with it is pretty horrible.

Please support me if you can: [url=http://www.justgiving.com/williamlyne]'>http://www.justgiving.com/williamlyne][size=5]http://www.justgiving.com/williamlyne[/size]


p.s. I hope the mods don't mind me doing this? sorry if it's against the forum rules.

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