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Is it too simplistic to ask,

if turnover was £29.8m,

and the player wage bill was £10.5m,

and £2.2m of debt was paid back,

and the club made a £2.16m loss,

what on earth costs £19.26m?

Part of that will be merchandise. If you sell 5000 shirts at £30 and they cost you £25, turnover is £150,000 and profit is £25,000.

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Is it too simplistic to ask,

if turnover was £29.8m,

and the player wage bill was £10.5m,

and £2.2m of debt was paid back,

and the club made a £2.16m loss,

what on earth costs £19.26m?

I guess that will be in the accounts but things like other staff wages, stadium maintenance, replacing/fixing generators on Christmas Day/ boxing day, loan fees, insurance and the like would all add a fee shackles.

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Its an interesting read. He says that there will be a big overhaul of the squad and they recognise we need to bring in better players and that next season we will be building a team to get into the top 6. This is the first time I have heard anything like this since Jewell wasted a load of cash. What I dont understand is that in my view what he is saying is that we will be signing players who are good enough to get us top 6! now unless im going mad didnt we just sell Commons and Hulse for next to nowt who are those type of players and if we want to be signing the best players and best out of contract players available then doesnt that mean paying them a decent wage?

No matter how many times I look at it it just doesnt add up. We have for the last 2 seasons sold all the main first team players and brought the wage bill down by 10 million and signed lower league players which obviously a blind man could see would weaken our team on the pitch and wouldnt get us the promotion that the yanks where supposedly aiming for. But now they say we must buy better players, spend money on fees and wages to get us in the top 6! so the targeted wage bill was 10 million and its now 10.5 so how do we sign good players and not inflate the wage bill back to what it was again because I cannot see how we can build a team to definately challenge the top 6 and that you can look at on paper and say thats a top 6 side without undoing everything that the board has done in the last 2 years.

So whats going on? Was plan A that we would throw some cash at it and try for an instant return to the prem and then when Jewell failed they turned to plan B which was get all that cash back and try and fluke promotion relying on a good team spirit like Burnley, Hull and Blackpool but now maybe they have realised that plan B was even less succesfull than plan A so now they have got the wages and debt down to a low rate we are going to have another crack at plan A! or what? I dont get what the plan is or has been.

They wanted the club to live within its own means, if you want that then im sorry but you cant build a team that on paper is a promotion side.

Have they changed their mind?

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We did offer Commons the wages he wanted but he wanted to play for Celtic, I know some don't see that as a step up but I do so no criticism there of the board for me. I'm not sure Hulse fitted in the the management ethos. Now before anyone jumps on this it's just a theory. But Porter seemed to be preferred to him and there's Hulse's reaction now and again after goals. Didn't seem like we even wanted to offer him a new deal, could be wrong though.

I think the report says that the wage bill is now nearer £9m. Take into account Savage going, probably Leacock and Bywater and I think you can get some good players and not hit over £10m-£10.5m.

If, and it's a massive massive if, this is to believed then they would say that it has been due to getting the financial side of the playing staff in order that is allowing them to now purchase players and pay their wages rather than adding to an already large wage bill. Prepared to pay one off fee's but keep the wages into a manageable level in comparison to revenue may be acceptable.

Anyway, I await Ramblur as accounts are confusing to me.

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Its an interesting read. He says that there will be a big overhaul of the squad and they recognise we need to bring in better players and that next season we will be building a team to get into the top 6. This is the first time I have heard anything like this since Jewell wasted a load of cash. What I dont understand is that in my view what he is saying is that we will be signing players who are good enough to get us top 6! now unless im going mad didnt we just sell Commons and Hulse for next to nowt who are those type of players and if we want to be signing the best players and best out of contract players available then doesnt that mean paying them a decent wage?

No matter how many times I look at it it just doesnt add up. We have for the last 2 seasons sold all the main first team players and brought the wage bill down by 10 million and signed lower league players which obviously a blind man could see would weaken our team on the pitch and wouldnt get us the promotion that the yanks where supposedly aiming for. But now they say we must buy better players, spend money on fees and wages to get us in the top 6! so the targeted wage bill was 10 million and its now 10.5 so how do we sign good players and not inflate the wage bill back to what it was again because I cannot see how we can build a team to definately challenge the top 6 and that you can look at on paper and say thats a top 6 side without undoing everything that the board has done in the last 2 years.

So whats going on? Was plan A that we would throw some cash at it and try for an instant return to the prem and then when Jewell failed they turned to plan B which was get all that cash back and try and fluke promotion relying on a good team spirit like Burnley, Hull and Blackpool but now maybe they have realised that plan B was even less succesfull than plan A so now they have got the wages and debt down to a low rate we are going to have another crack at plan A! or what? I dont get what the plan is or has been.

They wanted the club to live within its own means, if you want that then im sorry but you cant build a team that on paper is a promotion side.

Have they changed their mind?

OK, Commons obviously wanted to leave and we offered him a very good deal. Hulse was in his last year and Clough thought he wasn't worth the massive wages he was on.

The wage bill is set to fall further. Savage, Bywater, Leacock and Varney. I reckon that's at least 35k a week. That's another 2 million off before we start buying. Reckon the wage bill could be similar to this years to be honest.

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Its an interesting read. He says that there will be a big overhaul of the squad and they recognise we need to bring in better players and that next season we will be building a team to get into the top 6. This is the first time I have heard anything like this since Jewell wasted a load of cash. What I dont understand is that in my view what he is saying is that we will be signing players who are good enough to get us top 6! now unless im going mad didnt we just sell Commons and Hulse for next to nowt who are those type of players and if we want to be signing the best players and best out of contract players available then doesnt that mean paying them a decent wage?

No matter how many times I look at it it just doesnt add up. We have for the last 2 seasons sold all the main first team players and brought the wage bill down by 10 million and signed lower league players which obviously a blind man could see would weaken our team on the pitch and wouldnt get us the promotion that the yanks where supposedly aiming for. But now they say we must buy better players, spend money on fees and wages to get us in the top 6! so the targeted wage bill was 10 million and its now 10.5 so how do we sign good players and not inflate the wage bill back to what it was again because I cannot see how we can build a team to definately challenge the top 6 and that you can look at on paper and say thats a top 6 side without undoing everything that the board has done in the last 2 years.

So whats going on? Was plan A that we would throw some cash at it and try for an instant return to the prem and then when Jewell failed they turned to plan B which was get all that cash back and try and fluke promotion relying on a good team spirit like Burnley, Hull and Blackpool but now maybe they have realised that plan B was even less succesfull than plan A so now they have got the wages and debt down to a low rate we are going to have another crack at plan A! or what? I dont get what the plan is or has been.

They wanted the club to live within its own means, if you want that then im sorry but you cant build a team that on paper is a promotion side.

Have they changed their mind?

The wage bill is now said to be c£9m. Using guestimates, Savage - £13k, and Leacock and Bywater on £8k each, getting rid of them saves c£1.5m a year. Take away the loanees, Porter, Deeney and Buxton and the wage bill starts to look more like £7m. That should give some wages to play with. If the owners then put in a couple of million for fees we might have half a chance.

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Is it too simplistic to ask,

if turnover was £29.8m,

and the player wage bill was £10.5m,

and £2.2m of debt was paid back,

and the club made a £2.16m loss,

what on earth costs £19.26m?

Big difference between headline loss and operating cash surplus/deficit thrown up.The previous year,for instance,actually threw up a cash surplus versus a massive reported loss (mainly down to depreciation).Accounts haven't reached Companies House website yet.

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We're going to be in this league for years and years (if we don't get relegated). Whatever noises are coming out the club I think we need to run a higher wage bill and have a bigger kitty than the yanks would ever put up to have a realistic chance. We also need a manager not to waste it like Jewell, jury is out on Clough. I often contemplate as to whether the board would actually move us forward to an automatic contender if for instance we were to secure the playoffs and then promptly miss out, I think not, prefer the lottery at a lower cost. With the promises coming out of the club and my opinions on Clough I'd envisage a secure top half finish. Considering the dyer football this season for the most part and how easily we could have been in that top half this year (absolutley nothing in this league) with one or 2 additions and better management I'm not particularly excited for the new campaign.

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I think we need to run a higher wage bill and have a bigger kitty than the yanks would ever put up to have a realistic chance.

Not if you have a manager that can wheel and deal and sniff out a bargain. Paul Lambart sat 2nd in the table, I don't believe for a minute that he has a much bigger wage bill than Derby, and he hasn't spent much this season either, using the loan market wisely.

It's not a one off either, Blackpool last season did it.

Some managers are better suited to working with smaller budgets, if our budget is small it's not the end of the world. If the current manager is struglling then you need to look for a more suitable manager.

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Daveo, I don't see Clough getting us promoted on a small budget, I've said time and time again my expectation of Clough was to deliver a league finish in-line with our spending, I don't think he is doing that which is the minimum for me. Hence I made reference to my opinions on Clough and the promises of the board and where I personally think we'll end up. I'd be sat here a very postive bloke if we were currently about 12th which is where I think our current budget roughly leaves us coupled with the relatively encouraging talk (as always) from the club. From there I would believe the talk we could push on that extra yard.

However as things stand, I think we have a ridiculously hard run-in, I am still firmly in the belief we're in a relegation fight and I think Clough still has copious amounts to learn from the evidence of this season. PL at Norwich and IH at Blackpool are just having/had those seasons that see their stock rise massively and they probably never live up to it again, it happens all the time but still needs to be applauded for it's merit nonetheless. Try repeating it.

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from what i can make of it, the second we get rid of Savage, Varney and potentially Leacock and Bywater we will actually be making a profit.. What they set out to achieve. Now it's time for the 'investment' they speak of, we wait anxiously :D

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