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Jerry Yates

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On 03/09/2024 at 02:36, brady1993 said:

It could easily be a case of trying to get him to do something he's not good at or by not playing to his strengths. It'd be easy to look at him at a glance and see 'small mobile striker' and think poacher or at the very least somebody solely you want to play in behind and pair him with a target man. When in actuality his biggest strength looks to be his link up play and his awareness of how to drift into pockets of space between lines. And I suspect based on how he plays that he's likely better on his own than in a two. Tactically think about him more like a false 9 and I think you start to see him shine. 

Get the ball into his feet, get people close to him and get people running off him.

A slightly smaller-sized Chris Martin, you mean?

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On 02/09/2024 at 12:35, Comrade 86 said:

I agree. Yates is rubbish and Swansea should just cut their losses and leave him with us for a token £250k fee. No idea what we'll do with the lad, but perhaps he could help pop some cones out for the other players or summat. Another rubbish Warne signing, mither, mither.

Can you blame him? It's a 'pretty shitty city'.

The high pitch note of his whining means it's only discernible to dogs and those with finally attenuated hearing levels. Luckily, l fall into the latter bracket (or both according to some poor judges) and confirm that he was not in fact complaining about an offside, but rather the fact that, 'that Irish barstool just gave me a f****** wedgie'. No need to thank me. 

Have a clap for this reference boyoh! Dylan Thomas clearly didn't do as much cocaine as you @Comrade 86

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8 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

Eagle-eyed as always Rodders.

Still one of the greatest one-liners in British cinematographic history IMHO 🤣

Total joy start to finish. Incidentally where I first learned of the corner flag FA Cup link, from two Welsh guys taking hits on a bong in the bath. Both educational and witty...

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On 06/09/2024 at 03:32, DavesaRam said:

A slightly smaller-sized Chris Martin, you mean?

Honestly, it could well be.

He seems to have that same knack, that I'm not sure exactly how to term, of injecting 'speed' into an attack with his link-up play. It's what Martin excelled at it more than traditional hold up play, you could hit a pass into him and suddenly you go from build-up to a much more dangerous attack.

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