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Sayings from popular culture that you have taken on....

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When faced with an awkward situation, Muckerette will announce "One feels the need to go upstairs and remove one's hat".  (A nod to Downton Abbey!)

Similarly, we will often "Take a turn about the gardens" of "Go for a promenade"!  


Once the evening meals and ensuing chores are done, one of us will suggest we "Go and sit soft".  That's a nod to Sally Webster in Corrie, from at least 20 years ago, when she was trying to impress a councillor visitor!


Sadly, now I'm thinking about it, we make more than a few nods to The Catherine Tate show...
A firm favourite when holidaying abroad... regardless of the food stuff in question... "The dirty b*******"!  
We'll jump and scream when the toast pops out of the toaster!

And for some strange reason, we often find ourselves playing out a somewhat milder/less manic version of this (Wholly In private, I hasten to add!) 

"What have you done now?... What are you like"!  





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3 hours ago, Alph said:

If the Mrs tells the dog to "get down" I can't resist going full Arnie. "Get down! Get to da choppa!". Probably wasn't funny the first time but I can't give up. 

"You talkin to me?" De Niro.

If anyone at work says "coming out" then unfortunately you have to sing "I'm coming out! I want the world to know" with a camp dance. 

There's so many now that I think about it. And they all get on my own nerves. 

I know a song that’ll get on yer nerves, get on yer nerves, get on yer nerves, I know a song that’ll get on yer nerves, get get get on yer nerves ( repeat ).

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My work mate & me always throw Blackadder lines at each other. Usually when things don't go to plan - which happens a lot, as we work in R&D.


"Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more"

"Needs must, when the devil vomits in your kettle"

"The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd!"


...and a very niche one: "It's as dead as that squirrel"

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"listen very carefully I shall say this only once"

"You stupid woman"

"I was just pissing by"

"go ahead punk make my day"

Being served a pint in a London pub..."how fcuking much"

A girlfriend who worked at MacDonalds when I took her home..."do you want to go large with that" 

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17 minutes ago, ramit said:

According to the map, we've only gone four inches - Dumb And Dumber

Reminds me... if the kids moan they are too cold (or if its too hot, or too wet etc I will slightly change the wording) and jokingly say 'Why don't you have these extra gloves my hands are getting too sweaty anyway'.

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