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How domesticated are you?

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19 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Mrs Badger just told me get out the clothes I want to take to Croatia on Tuesday. 

Then she'll pack the ones I'm actually taking. 

Life comes at you hard.  I just meekly said, ok. 

I highly doubt my faded XTC or Buzzcocks t's will make the cut. 

Mrs Cstand was shocked a few years ago to found out one of her friends takes adult toys with her on holidays abroad.

She said it would be very embarrassing if she was picked out for a baggage check going through customs. 

Her friend replied it was no problem because she always packed them in her husband’s suitcase without him knowing. 😂


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1 hour ago, cstand said:

Mrs Cstand was shocked a few years ago to found out one of her friends takes adult toys with her on holidays abroad.

She said it would be very embarrassing if she was picked out for a baggage check going through customs. 

Her friend replied it was no problem because she always packed them in her husband’s suitcase without him knowing. 😂


I had a friend who, many years ago, worked as a baggage handler at Orlando Airport. They'd see that kind of stuff on luggage x-ray and frequently get it out to mess about with—especially the attachable variety!

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7 hours ago, cstand said:

Mrs Cstand was shocked a few years ago to found out one of her friends takes adult toys with her on holidays abroad.

She said it would be very embarrassing if she was picked out for a baggage check going through customs. 

Her friend replied it was no problem because she always packed them in her husband’s suitcase without him knowing. 😂


My sister in law used to work in Customs/airport security.

She stressed that it's always "The toy", not "Your toy".

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Me and Muckerette once looked at each other with utter suspicion, as we approached the airport check-in with a buzzing suitcase (Hers, I hasten to add!).  Turns out an electric toothbrush isn't the wisest choice for travel!  We leave it at home now, and have reverted to ye olde manual versions for holidays!

On the subject of domesticity, Muckerette will not entertain packing my suitcase* for me, sadly.  I've begged and pleaded (I hate the job!), but it's a no go!  



*More a case of hold-alls/plastic boxes nowadays, as we just pack the car and go camping in Europe via Le Tunnel.

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We do our own washing and ironing, our own packing, share cooking and cleaning duties, and generally divide up other household chores according to ability. She'll 'snag' anything I do and tell me what I've missed or done wrong, while I'll tactfully ignore her shortcomings to ensure she doesn't withdraw "privileges".

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The bit I struggle with is the relative time needed to pack - if we are going away for a week I will get my packing done in about 15 mins, for my good wife the bedroom floor is an array of clothes, brushes, hairdryers and shoes for a week in advance. And no guesses who still ends up being the one who forgets something.

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I've been told there's blue jobs and pink jobs. 

Blue jobs

Gardening, ironing, washing up, feeding dogs, walking dogs, picking up dog poo, washing work clothes, answering the door, fixing stuff that's broken

Ironing, in my opinion, is a pink job. According to all my research it's a pink job. Traditionally, it's a pink job. Yet when I present the facts and figures to the wife.... Well, it ends with pink jobs turning a very deep blue. 

There's one grey job. Cooking. This used to be pink and I'm not sure when that changed. More worrying is that it's developed a slight blue tint

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Always recall parents sharing cooking and cleaning. Sometimes shared various diy otherwise Dad did it. Mum did clothes washing and ironing and Dad did the 'heavy lifting' type jobs and finances. Kept things neat and tidy in home and garden. All skills passed onto myself and brothers. Valuable life lessons.

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