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Independent Directors on Supporters' Board at DCFC


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On 29/02/2024 at 16:58, David said:

Just to be clear, and to avoid any more nominations sarcastic or not. I have absolutely no interest in the role.

None whatsoever. Zero. Zilch. 

Whoever takes it on, good luck, be prepared for all kinds of abuse and repeatedly told “you don’t represent me”.

I’ll just stay over here in this little corner of the internet and keep this place online for you all. I’m happy doing that.

Whoever gets the roles, I wish them well. 

I would advise them to ignore anybody who abuses them. Those people aren't worth the mucus out of your nasal passages.

With regard to representation, any decision in which they are involved will be taken for the good of the club. That decision will be taken for the greater good and, 100% certain, that decision won't be universally acceptable. There may even be ones where more fans are against it than for it but, in the eyes of those on the board, who will likely have more information on which to base their thoughts, it will be the right one for DCFC moving forward.

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3 hours ago, ossieram said:

Do they check to see if you have any football related convictions before offering you the position? Asking for a friend. 

There must be a cut off point. If you've not been nicked since 1982 then i believe you should be ok. 😉

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Announced last week.


"The club is delighted to announce that, following a rigorous application and interview process assisted by the Football Supporters’ Association, four independent members of the Supporters’ Board have been identified.
They are Craig Flindall, Stella Gutteridge, Alex Leyland and Steve Wilson who will join Hilary Leam (Rams Trust) and Jas Gidda (Punjabi Rams) on the Supporters’ Board.
All six members provide wide-ranging experience and skill sets which will bring a new level of insight and transparency into the way the club carries out its business.
The first official meeting of the Supporters’ Board is planned to take place before the start of the new season. Ahead of that meeting, the club will publish more information about the Board and its wider role."

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1 hour ago, Herdwick Ram said:

Announced last week.


"The club is delighted to announce that, following a rigorous application and interview process assisted by the Football Supporters’ Association, four independent members of the Supporters’ Board have been identified.
They are Craig Flindall, Stella Gutteridge, Alex Leyland and Steve Wilson who will join Hilary Leam (Rams Trust) and Jas Gidda (Punjabi Rams) on the Supporters’ Board.
All six members provide wide-ranging experience and skill sets which will bring a new level of insight and transparency into the way the club carries out its business.
The first official meeting of the Supporters’ Board is planned to take place before the start of the new season. Ahead of that meeting, the club will publish more information about the Board and its wider role."

Great news, well done and good luck to all involved. Good to see RamsTrust and Punjabi Rams represented rather than random groups or Twitter/Forum/Facebook gobshites.

Feels like they went through a solid process.

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2 hours ago, Mihangel said:

Great news, well done and good luck to all involved. Good to see RamsTrust and Punjabi Rams represented rather than random groups or Twitter/Forum/Facebook gobshites.

Feels like they went through a solid process.

Punjabi Rams are great lads. Spent an hour with them in the Merlin after the last game of the season. What a party!

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