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30 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Lots of people here seem to think having forest on the board makes them more likely to dislike Derby. I disagree, I don't think there's anything between Derby and forest owners, if anything keeping the other in the division means a game where they can sell more tickets at higher prices... It's in forest and derbys interest for the other to be in the league, but not for a team like boro. 

There bond to be hatered between our owners.

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Notice too that Rob Dorsett concludes his timeline on DCFC with:

"Sep 21 - deducted 9 points"

This kind of gratuitous faux-journalism is how rumours and supposition can get normalised through repetition, and become seen as fact, rather than ongoing speculation.

If you asked fans of other clubs about the DCFC saga they would already say: 'you got deducted 9 points, didn't you?' 

All this damaging spam from hacks helps to underline and legitimate the EFL's hopes or aims IMHO.



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50 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Lots of people here seem to think having forest on the board makes them more likely to dislike Derby. I disagree, I don't think there's anything between Derby and forest owners, if anything keeping the other in the division means a game where they can sell more tickets at higher prices... It's in forest and derbys interest for the other to be in the league, but not for a team like boro. 

I agree. I doubt the “friendly dislike” we see between Derby and Forest fans is replicated at ownership level. You could also argue that the Forest rep on the board may go out his way to be fair to Derby in order to avoid an suggestions of bias (here’s hoping anyway).

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24 minutes ago, Woodypecker said:

Now I'm angry at Rooney too!

He's quoted by the BBC as saying Derby could cope with a 9-point deduction.


Somebody muzzle him, he's making it sound official too!!

Becarefull what you read on the internet, Pep Gaurdiola was quoted as saying he would like more supporters at the Etihad Stadium, Man City supporters group then got involved, Telling Pep money is tight and supporters have to pick and choose their games.

Now Pep came out fighting saying he was mis-quoted, But if they want him out then he'll go.

If WRs quote is true...then the media or MM have convinced/told him about our punishment and 9 points it is.



Just realised I fell for the story on the internet about a story on the internet...doh!

Edited by Unlucky Alf
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4 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

But all the rule says is: the EFL can offer a sanction, a club can accept it, and it needs to be rubber stamped by a panel. It’s just a framework. We can see from what’s going on with us that it’s quite open to a club to negotiate the EFL’s offer, and to make a counter offer. Seems a pretty sensible rule. 

I suggest that you read the rule text of regulation 85 again. 

The EFL can put their sanction in writing at any time. 

There is no negotiation framework. Any conversation about possible sanctions and the possible reactions is outside of the framework and entirely at the EFL discretion. 

Once in receipt of the sanction offer, the club can only accept or refuse and trigger a decision panel, they cannot make a counter offer. 

The game being played out is that dcfc are gambling that the EFL will not want to trigger another panel. Presumably the calculus is that the panels have so far been so critical of the EFL that they won't want to be back there, hence that gives dcfc leverage.

But none of that is contemplated within the wording of the regulations. 



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1 hour ago, ilkleyram said:

Random information about the state's trial of people in my youth - in trussing people up before they were thrown into water to see if they would sink or swim (and it was used for more than just suspected witches) air pockets were created which meant that more people than you would think actually floated and were therefore found guilty; another (similar) test was to get the person to plunge their hands into boiling water to pick out a stone.  If, three days later (not 48 hours cos the EFL hadn't been invented then), the wounds had healed then they were guilty, if not then they were innocent.

Parry's probably got the pot on the fire as we speak.....................

Where exactly did you grow up ? Sounds like a place with some interesting cultural practices .. how, after this traumatic start in life did you become a Ram ? … I mean I can see how you would be drawn to us but it is interesting !

I read your screen name as IlKley ram and assumed a Yorkshire background ? I wasn’t aware of these practices being commonplace in any of the known Thridings, at least in living memory … but perhaps you know different ? ? ?

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19 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Becarefull what you read on the internet, Pep Gaurdiola was quoted as saying he would like more supporters at the Etihad Stadium, Man City supporters group then got involved, Telling Pep money is tight and supporters have to pick and choose their games.

Now Pep came out fighting saying he was mis-quoted, But if they want him out then he'll go.

If WRs quote is true...then the media or MM have convinced/told him about our punishment and 9 points it is.



Just realised I fell for the story on the internet about a story on the internet...doh!

I am careful - and Rooney's quotes are BBC pages which are (mostly) carefully verified!

Was Wayne musing an opinion or leaking knowledge? I guess we might hear more about this BBC article on Radio Derby's SportScene in a few minutes... 

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6 minutes ago, jono said:

Where exactly did you grow up ? Sounds like a place with some interesting cultural practices .. how, after this traumatic start in life did you become a Ram ? … I mean I can see how you would be drawn to us but it is interesting !

I read your screen name as IlKley ram and assumed a Yorkshire background ? I wasn’t aware of these practices being commonplace in any of the known Thridings, at least in living memory … but perhaps you know different ? ? ?

It's not been officially sanctioned in Yorkshire for quite a long time, but you know what yorkshire folk are like if they get something into their heads, and fear of witches is still common place, frequently being blamed upon the discovery of gential warts, paracitic infestations or it hurting to urinate.


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12 minutes ago, Woodypecker said:

I am careful - and Rooney's quotes are BBC pages which are (mostly) carefully verified!

Was Wayne musing an opinion or leaking knowledge? I guess we might hear more about this BBC article on Radio Derby's SportScene in a few minutes... 

it was on radio Derby this afternoon 

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5 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Honestly not that surprised the EFL haven't suggested it as a way of resolving this.

"Mr Morris, you can choose trial by water or trial by fire"

EFL statement "we are in discussion with DCFC regarding a resolution, and are currently awaiting a response from the club"

The thing that irritates me is that this (The EFL)  is an association that is supposed to represent all members equally. Now for sure there will be some gunning, for us but partisan reasons shouldn’t be part of this. It should be an antiseptic procedure .. did they do it ? What is the evidence ? Are there mitigating circumstances ? 

surely that sort of conversation shouldn’t be very difficult ? Unless there are other agendas from specific parties, which if there are, must be dismissed. I’d venture to suggest, this hasn’t happened and there are selfish motives amongst the decision makers that quite simply should be detected and not allowed air time. It is a known fact that Gibson has a gripe against us .. ok that’s fair enough, but surely that means he and his club has a conflict of interest and shouldn’t be part of any decision making process ?  

None of us knows the story or the truth of the matter, but the oversight of those that are the judge and jury seems seriously lacking at the moment. 

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1 hour ago, Woodypecker said:

Now I'm angry at Rooney too!

He's quoted by the BBC as saying Derby could cope with a 9-point deduction.


Somebody muzzle him, he's making it sound official too!!

This speculates that the points deduction being discussed is for "historic rule breaches" - does that suggest the EFL think our revised accounts are still in breach? Or do we think this is their attempt at double jeopardy?

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