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EFL Verdict


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1 minute ago, Rammy03 said:

I don't get it? Are we going to be relegated or not?

As things stand, no. Personally, I think this is just grandstanding on the EFL's part because they don't want to look like we've "got away with it" with just a points deduction. The EFL have clearly asked for us to be relegated last season, but I'd be shocked if the appeals panel overturned a decision so drastically from a fine to relegation.

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18 minutes ago, Derbados said:

Because the EFL are a bunch of inept idiots who couldn’t organise a *** up in a brewery 

Or because the Derby County ownership are a bunch of inept idiots who couldn’t organise a *** up in a brewery.

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1 minute ago, Norman said:

I would also state, if we do fall outsiflde the permitted losses, we can argue we would have sold players to alleviate the losses. We are no longer in a position to change what happened years a go. Can't see this going anywhere to be honest. 

Appeal after appeal coming up. 

This for me is the question - if we do fail the FRS rules based on the resubmission, could we argue that spending decisions taken during that time period were based on a methodology that hadn't been questioned and we had assumed to be correct, and that we weren't acting in a subversive manner in when doing so? 

I'm not sure if there is any precedent in other walks of life on this but I guess its like being given a speeding fine when your speedo is 10mph out

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Who decides on the appeal? The same panel who decided the £100k fine or the other one or a new one? If the EFL appeal is successful can we then appeal that? The timing stinks as we are effectively being punished more than either a fine or a points deduction with this limbo we are stuck in preventing any planning for next season. It is also not fair on Wycombe - how can they plan either? The only thing giving me optimism is the timing the EFL have snuck this out at.  Suggests they are trying to hide it. However as usual noone involved seems to care about the fans (of both clubs) and the poor Derby staff who are presumably living under much uncertainty in many cases

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2 minutes ago, JfR said:

As things stand, no. Personally, I think this is just grandstanding on the EFL's part because they don't want to look like we've "got away with it" with just a points deduction. The EFL have clearly asked for us to be relegated last season, but I'd be shocked if the appeals panel overturned a decision so drastically from a fine to relegation.

They can't do this. 6 weeks until the first ball is kicked. Not enough time to start overturning decisions surely

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Think the comment at the bottom of Nixon’s  tweet hits the nail on the head and there are two likely scenarios.

1. EFL can appeal the decision of 100k fine and push for a points deduction, but unlikely the appeal will be concluded before start of the season so will be applied next season.

2. EFL accept the charge knowing that the resubmitted accounts will breach P&S. But for us to re-run the accounts, have the EFL check them and charge us and then us appeal again would again surely take us past the start of the season. 

Can’t see us starting next season in league 1 either way.


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22 minutes ago, Stuniverse said:

So the BIG question here is will the restated accounts for 2016, 2017 and 2018 comply with or breach FRS102?

I dont think that is the question just now. That one comes later. 

As  @JfRhas said, the interchangeable fixture list is needed because the EFl will presumably appeal the sanction decision and ask for a points deduction. That could happen within a month.  The failure to comply with P&S because of the amortisation ruling cannot lead to a points deduction last season, because we’ve not yet even been formally accused of that. 

I don’t think the LAP will order a points deduction for last season for the reasons @Ghost of Cloughhas explained. But we could get a double points deduction next season, one for the amortisation charges if the EFL appeal of the sanction is upheld; and another one if the restated accounts fail the test. 

We have to hope and pray that new owners swoop in and persuade the EFl not to appeal. And that our restated accounts are above the P&S bar. 

if they don’t, it will be interesting to see what Rooney says and does 

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So we have to look forward to ....


Option 1:

Derby are relegated and Wycombe are reinstated. The takeover talks rumoured to be ongoing probably collapse because they'd now be getting a League 1 club. The upcoming season we struggle in League 1 due to a lack of players and yet more off-field problems.


Option 2:

Derby aren't relegated but are hit with a points deduction which, when combined with the lack of players and inability to improve the squad much, ensures out fate is pretty much already sealed and we have a season of getting battered every week. The takeover probably falls through because there's now even more uncertainty over punishments and appeals relating to the old updated accounts which takes an age to conclude. 


Both result in a season of misery for Derby fans and even more bad press. ?

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Absolute joke and the efl are a disgrace …we are also a shambolic disgrace of a club 

The implications of this are far worse …who will sign for us not knowing what league we’re going to be in?

who will invest in us knowing the mess we’re in and the efl are basically encouraging Wycombe to appeal so we can be relegated …if we decide to appeal this will also take ages and also hold us back on both player and investment fronts …joke!!!! Absolute ******** joke!!!

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52 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Yeah that's what I'm reading this. 

If we fail p and s we're doomed. 

EFL are determined for us to be relegated so it will be. 

If we are relegated there's a good chance we'll be in admin and we'll struggle.

That's not actually what it says at all.... The final paragraph says that the fixture list will be based on the final standings pending any appeal which to me says, accept the fine and file the accounts. 

Tbf i think Derby would be best served to do just that and move on. They must already have the accounts recalculated and ready as the minimum we'd have gotten was refiling the accounts with the preferred way of doing it so they can't have just sat there and not done them surely? 

You'd hope that the stadium sale being in there somewhere would mean we avoid any further ffp issues.... I'm sure it was written somewhere that the resubmitted accounts would have us just under the threshold with the last two seasons showing a much better position but can't find it

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The most annoying part about the EFL putting these statements out at this time of night is that you don't get the full picture at the time and start filling in the blanks. Hopefully the club will put out a statement early tomorrow that will provide a bit more insight into this issue, and hopefully the panel's findings will be published not too long after that. If the club can confirm that even with resubmitted accounts we stay within the FFP restrictions and if the panel were firm and clear with their findings then I'd start to feel pretty calm about the whole situation.

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Could this possibly be what’s been behind Mel’s reversing into the hedge routine?The club hierarchy could have well known that relegation would always end up being the likely final outcome hence MM’s desperation to sell to any Tom, Dick or Harry and ensure he is no way near the spraying blood of the severed arteries when the guillotine finally falls.  
Dropping to League One now will be seismic. The catastrophic impact on lower league football finances in the Covid aftermath puts our club in grave peril and could see us stranded in the lower leagues until God knows when. The likelihood that we will have some pure Phoenix from the flames reset in L1 playing a team full of academy talent and taking the league by storm would be fanciful and there will be a huge job off the pitch in managing our operating costs. I hope to God something positive and unexpected materialises to turn the tide. 

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The EFL statement seems intentionally vague in a sabre-rattling exercise by the EFL. All we can tell is that we have been issued a fine and asked to resubmit accounts. Doesn't say what will happen with those accounts - whether there will be anything following the submission of the accounts. I'm inferring that they are posturing that if those accounts are dodgy they (EFL) will appeal the decision again. The interchangeable fixture list thing seems to be a veiled threat...

This is all great for the fans isn't it?

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