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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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I think if the covid cases go down in the medium term, which i expect they will because that's what a virus does, then over time the maskers will slowly demask. They will start going out, forgetting their mask and just going sod it.

Only got to look at the test events to realize that people are not concerned now. Fair enough a few still will and I won't think one bit differently about them and respect their wishes completely but I full expect on July 19th to see 60-70 % without a mask and this to continue up towards 98% after a couple of months.


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Anyone watching BBC news?

They've just had a woman who must have been 20 stone, and used her as a plea to get vaccinated because Covid made her really ill. 

Do they really think people are going to take any notice?

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7 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Anyone watching BBC news?

They've just had a woman who must have been 20 stone, and used her as a plea to get vaccinated because Covid made her really ill. 

Do they really think people are going to take any notice?

They need to attract  a 'big' target audience. 

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19 minutes ago, angieram said:

Wearing a mask is to protect others, not the wearer. 

See thread below for a different perspective. I have two friends in this position. Are they just to stay at home the rest of their lives? 


Doesn't impact me personally so don't give a flying f. No masks for me, I ain't gonna be a slave anymore. We've finally got our freedom back. I can now pop into the supermarket without spending 2 seconds putting my mask on. Or go to a restaurant with more than 5 other friends. Although I don't have that many friends. Oh happy days. Unlucky boomers, you ain't gonna stop up partying anymore!

It's good news all round. Unless you ever want to go to another country on holiday.

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19 minutes ago, angieram said:

Wearing a mask is to protect others, not the wearer. 

See thread below for a different perspective. I have two friends in this position. Are they just to stay at home the rest of their lives? 


There are roughly 250000 people suffering with this disease at any given time in the UK. I don't believe it is feasible to ask the entire population to remain masked indefinitely because of the increased risk to 0.37% of people from the possibility of catching a disease with a mortality rate of 0.5%.

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1 hour ago, angieram said:

Wearing a mask is to protect others, not the wearer. 

See thread below for a different perspective. I have two friends in this position. Are they just to stay at home the rest of their lives? 


I'm sympathetic to this issue and yes people with cancer or certain other medical conditions are less resilient to viruses that affect the immune system that's been true since the dawn of time but the masks are just part of the package of measures to stop the spread.

Do you also want to keep social distancing?  People aren't wearing them all the time and I could imagine this is particularly the case when queuing up and standing room only becomes a regular feature again.   In an outdoor space covid barely spreads so you don't need them anyway. I also doubt pubs and restaurants are going to be opening their windows up in winter to ensure a good ventilation that would be advisable unless we all want our food to go cold very quickly.

You may have an easier case with public transport but given that we've already allowed numerous exemptions for mask wearing and half the people wearing them don't even wear them correctly or have a sufficiently good grade of mask the reality is likely to be the effect is small unless again we socially distance. On buses you might be able to get away with it but on even remotely busy train lines it simply isn't feasible. 

It sucks for people who are compromised and it does mean that covid will continue to have a significant effect on their living situation. Given that masks are still mandatory and have been since the early days of this virus but covid is spreading like it has done should tell you the effectiveness of the masks. It's a solution that really is only sufficient in certain public spaces (such as buses and trains) if everyone uses them correctly, distances correctly and has the correct grade mask on. In restaurants and pubs they're probably useless unless you have a good air flow, continue social distancing and want to monitor everyone coughing etc. and tell them to go outside. 

Basically, enough people will either ignore the rules, have a bad mask or not mask up correctly that makes it all fall apart and going to public places inherently riskier than it used to be for people who are compromised. 

Edited by Leeds Ram
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Loads of people in Utch isolating or testing positive atm. Most schools have at least one class shut down, couple of pubs shut, people being "pinged" by track and trace etc.

Very few symptoms and no hospitalisations that I know of. Most folk who do have symptoms have a sore throat, dry cough, some with hay fever symptoms and a few with fatigue, tiredness, no energy (I get that every Monday morning but the missus tells me to get up and go to work, evil she is). 

Life goes on, not had a day off work other than Annual Leave, same with the missus who works at a school. 

I'm probably the most left wing person I know, as in I truly believe the NHS should be fully owned by the public and have no private involvement whatsoever, so I'm certainly no right winger or libertarian type. (I sound like I know what I'm talking about but I only learnt about libertarianism through the old political thread on here!!), yet I'm called an anti vaxxer because I've not had the jab.

When the vaccines have passed their experimental stage, I'll consider it if its still a threat, but as it stands, I won't cough on anyone, I wash my hands regularly through habit having worked in a food factory for 42 years and being trained in HACCP and Food safety up to Level 4 (so having a reasonable understanding of the dangers of bacterial and virus spread through poor hygiene).

We need to get back to some sort of normality and start living our lives again.

I just want to stand on the South Stand, moan about the service in the concourse and shout abuse at the ref, is that too much to ask for?

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

I can think of one recently launched news channel that will drive this "new frontier" for every penny they can make out of it.

And so they should if they provide a bit of balance.  If you watched the clip you would have seen them present the case for both sides?

Of course the alternative is watching the likes of Beth Rigby hypocritically arguing against the lifting of restrictions whilst not giving a flying f. about them herself.

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12 minutes ago, maxjam said:

And so they should if they provide a bit of balance.  If you watched the clip you would have seen them present the case for both sides?

Of course the alternative is watching the likes of Beth Rigby hypocritically arguing against the lifting of restrictions whilst not giving a flying f. about them herself.

Wondered if anyone else had picked up on that.

The lack of self awareness of some of these people is laughable!

'Prime Minister, the lifting of these rules (that I don't abide by anyway) is reckless.'

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6 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Anyone watching BBC news?

They've just had a woman who must have been 20 stone, and used her as a plea to get vaccinated because Covid made her really ill. 

Do they really think people are going to take any notice?

I didn’t, as I could only see half of her. Probably time I got something a bit bigger than a 36” screen.

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5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Wondered if anyone else had picked up on that.

The lack of self awareness of some of these people is laughable!

'Prime Minister, the lifting of these rules (that I don't abide by anyway) is reckless.'

Let’s face it ,it’s already become the new go to for the constant virtue signallers of this world,,,, look at me I still wear a mask and get busy on others who don’t ( even though we don’t need to ) because I care so much for others ,,,, yeah right ????

Edited by Archied
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