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As much as I dislike Leeds, that was a strange comment to make by Karen Carney.

It’s rattled their fan base though so fair play to her for that. 

Any tweet she makes now will be full of thousands of Leeds fans so RIP her Twitter account.

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It is a pretty silly opinion and the stats show it is untrue really. They were the best team in the league last season, comfortably.

But the club’s social team know, or at least should know, that Twitter is a complete cesspit and calling something out like that is just going to lead to abuse, and with the opinion coming from a woman, from a minority the abuse isn’t going to be based on her opinion it is going to be based on her gender. So it is a pretty irresponsible thing to have tweeted in my opinion and they are rightly getting stick for it. 

To be clear I don’t think the club has done this because of her gender, as I have seen them call out Gabby Agbonlahor previously. But I think they should have had some awareness of what it would inevitably lead to. 

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43 minutes ago, nottingram said:

It is a pretty silly opinion and the stats show it is untrue really. They were the best team in the league last season, comfortably.

But the club’s social team know, or at least should know, that Twitter is a complete cesspit and calling something out like that is just going to lead to abuse, and with the opinion coming from a woman, from a minority the abuse isn’t going to be based on her opinion it is going to be based on her gender. So it is a pretty irresponsible thing to have tweeted in my opinion and they are rightly getting stick for it. 

To be clear I don’t think the club has done this because of her gender, as I have seen them call out Gabby Agbonlahor previously. But I think they should have had some awareness of what it would inevitably lead to. 

It’s a difficult one, as you say they’ve done it before with male pundits so it’s clearly not a case of sexism. 

But, are we in danger of protecting women too much in that they are above criticism? Should they not be treated as equal and take what comes with the job, which in football is criticism from all angles on your opinions. 

It was a silly comment to make, I get where she was going with the burnout, but to say they only went up because of Covid is as daft as it gets, and that’s coming from someone that despises the club. 

I haven’t scrolled down the replies enough to see if sexist replies have been made, would put money on it they have and you can argue the club should have known better, but we go back to, they have previous for this and should we protect female pundits from criticism, would she and other female pundits want this, or do they want their gender to be a none issue and hold discussions on football on a level playing field as men?

What would be nice now would be to see the club dig into the replies, find the most revolting sexist replies, share them and make it clear the club do not condone these kind of comments, and ask fans that share these views stay away from Elland Road. 

Show that you can criticise the opinion without gender being an issue.

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34 minutes ago, David said:

It’s a difficult one, as you say they’ve done it before with male pundits so it’s clearly not a case of sexism. 

But, are we in danger of protecting women too much in that they are above criticism? Should they not be treated as equal and take what comes with the job, which in football is criticism from all angles on your opinions. 

It was a silly comment to make, I get where she was going with the burnout, but to say they only went up because of Covid is as daft as it gets, and that’s coming from someone that despises the club. 

I haven’t scrolled down the replies enough to see if sexist replies have been made, would put money on it they have and you can argue the club should have known better, but we go back to, they have previous for this and should we protect female pundits from criticism, would she and other female pundits want this, or do they want their gender to be a none issue and hold discussions on football on a level playing field as men?

What would be nice now would be to see the club dig into the replies, find the most revolting sexist replies, share them and make it clear the club do not condone these kind of comments, and ask fans that share these views stay away from Elland Road. 

Show that you can criticise the opinion without gender being an issue.

I think all pundits should be open to scrutiny but unfortunately we aren’t yet in a position that pundits such as Karen Carney, Alex Scott or Eni Aluko are open to scrutiny for their opinions rather than their gender, but I’m sure they would love it if we were. 

Ultimately I just think tweets like that are a crap idea. All meant as a bit of fun I am sure but I don’t think anyone deserves abuse of any kind just for holding a crap opinion, be that male or female.

I think there’s a huge difference to all the ?? accounts making their own way there to give some abuse off their own back and essentially being directed there by what should be an extension of official club messaging. I’ve also no doubt that if any club adopted a similar social media policy that they would have their own fair share of scumbags who would do the same, this isn’t a Leeds thing.

I wholeheartedly agree with your last paragraph or two. The club should now condemn the worst of the abuse and make it clear that if they can identify anyone from it they will be banned from the ground etc etc. Of course it doesn’t help that their owner has already condoned the tweet from the club.

Ultimately all it has done is ensure no one is talking about a great result for them over WBA.

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3 minutes ago, nottingram said:

Of course it doesn’t help that their owner has already condoned the tweet from the club.

Not a surprise, a club with very few morales which we’ve seen ourselves. 

Do agree with everything else you wrote, social media accounts are looking to maximise interactions, Watford another club that like the edgy approach. 

All about numbers, they can take these to sell adverts, companies won’t dig too far into where they have come from so it will continue, if not get worse over time.

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22 minutes ago, cstand said:

 Karen has brought about this situation on herself by her stupid comments stop blaming other people.

Leeds United have every right to defend their track record over the last two seasons.


Yes, clearly she deserves to receive sexist abuse for having a daft opinion on football.

I’ll leave it alone now because as I said previously I don’t really think the fans sending sexist abuse are exclusive to Leeds.

This thread is best used for laughing at Leeds when they lose 6-2 to Man United, not for chats about bigoted football fans ??

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Far from me defend Leeds i have some sympathy from the "i am a pundit my opinion counts more than you brigade"

When challenged they don't like it back.

For every good one Sue Smith, Alex Scott, Stephen Warnock, there's a Carragher, Keane, Lianne Sanderson.

The latter three are just there to provide controversy.

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