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The forum "HOW TO..." guide...


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Imagine a scenario where you would like to respond to a post, but realise it would take the thread off topic... Oh, I don't know... Let's just say, merely as an example, a politically motivated post within a thread about pandemics...

Firstly, simply quote the post(s) you wish to respond to in the normal way, and then post your response in the normal way, all enveloped in the reply box, all as normal.

Now... here's the clever bit... 

1/  Instead of pressing the submit button, highlight everything in that reply box, right click, and select "Cut".
2/  Now go to another thread (or start a new one).  In this example, we open the Politics thread, as the chosen conversation is politically motivated.
3/  Go immediately to the reply box, right click, and select "Paste".
4/  Magically, the (quoted) politically motivated posts from the pandemic thread are replicated in the Politics thread reply box, but now with your politically motivated response immediately below.
5/  Simply click on the Submit button.  Et Voila!

Effectively, this moves the politically motivated conversation (From the Pandemics thread) to the Politics thread, and the original politically motivated post(s) (in the Pandemic thread) can be utterly ignored and/or subsequently deleted by admin.
It's amazingly simple, and extremely effective in avoiding breaking certain forum rules!
In reality, it takes approx. 3 seconds longer to do this, than to merely quote and respond in the Pandemic thread, so hardly the end of the world!
The Pandemic fans get their thread back on topic.
The Politics fans continue their politically motivated discussion in the Politics-specific thread.
Admittedly, the original politically motivated posts (that were quoted in the above example) remain in the Pandemic thread, but hopefully they'll soon disappear as the thread returns to its intended topic!


Tomorrow... How to use symbols, numbers, and emoji's to get around the in-built auto swear filter*






*Just japes!

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1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

The Pandemic fans


You mean these?:

powering renewable energy GIF by General Electric


Making wind and blowing the nasty virus all over the place. Something should be done. Apart from anything else, how much electricity are they using??.

I'm livid.

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