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Irrational Dislikes


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Just for fun list your irrational dislikes. I'm not talking life constraining issues like agoraphobia, just trivial stuff. Lets see how irrational we are:

My starters:

Cannot stand handling the slimy foil tops off yoghurt pots.

Instant dislike to men wearing yellow ties, doubly bad if the tie has any kind of red pattern on it.

People who start sentences with "So", whats wrong with "um" like we did back in the day?

People who use "Back in the day"

Moths in the Bedroom at night. Spiders I'm OK with-they eat moths.

Women wearing green coloured clothes


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Trypophobia. Wouldn't call it a phobia, more an irrational dislike. Don't google it, for the love of god. Makes my skin crawl. 

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5 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

Men with top knots in general and older men with long hair. 

Don't know why it bothers me, as I am an each to his/her/they own type of guy... but it does! 

Beards. On men mostly, women I treat on a case by case basis. Nothing worse than the hipster look.

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Drooling dogs, kids with runny noses, people who foam spittle when they talk. Even people saying things like 'mouth watering' - that's not a nice thing, it's a disgusting concept to have a gob full of gozz.

Makes me gip.

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3 hours ago, Mick Brolly said:

So back in the day it would have been chewing gum under tables. 

Why would you sit there chewing anything?  Just sit "AT" the table... on a chair... like any normal person!  For God's sake, man!


Oh... hang on...

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3 hours ago, goldstar said:

Trypophobia. Wouldn't call it a phobia, more an irrational dislike. Don't google it, for the love of god. Makes my skin crawl. 

This sort of thing, mate?  Can't see a problem myself!



Oops!  So sorry!   ??


Oops (2):  I now see @Coconut beat me to it!  ?

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As soon as i posted that i knew to glaze my eyes over when scrolling as pictures would be attached. More so lotus pods and circular clusters that do it

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14 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

Club crests/badges in the middle of a football shirt, looks pony. On the wearers left hand side is their place.

Anybody that wears Crocs.

Rufty tufty geezers that drive big pick up trucks that don’t pick anything up.

Crocs are far from a good look, I'll grant you, but they are invaluable when stepping in and out of ones tent countless times a day.  They are the height of practicality on a camp site, and yes, I do speak from experience, so Boo to you!

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10 minutes ago, goldstar said:

As soon as i posted that i knew to glaze my eyes over when scrolling as pictures would be attached. More so lotus pods and circular clusters that do it

Damn!  I had that on google images too, but didn't even know what it was, and it didn't look threatening enough to me anyway!  



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Men driving red cars.

Men over 40 wearing T-shirts or clothing so obviously designed for the under 25 demographic.

Uber-feminists and Alpha-males.

Limp handshakes.

Self appointed beer and wine officinadoes.

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