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32 minutes ago, Norman said:

End of last March has estimates at around 100,000 a day. 

Wouldn't be surprised if we were at that sort of level now. 

If that's the case, then 'herd immunity' would be a real possibility within another 6 months.

However, there are no official figures to back that up. The nearest we could get to that would be the ONS cases estimate, which is that for the week 6-12 December inclusive, 567300 people in England had Covid-19. It's tempting to take that figure and divide it by 7 to get a daily figure in the same ball-park as your guess, but that would only be a valid approach if the period of infection was just 7 days. Clearly, it isn't - it can be much, much longer.

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44 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Purely based on the number of people I know who have tested positive recently vs numbers in wave 1, real cases per day will almost certainly be higher now than before.

Unless the new strain has spread significantly across the country, anf not only must it spread more easily than other strains, but it must also have a  death rate 4 to 6 times higher than other too

I only personally know 9 people who have definitely had it.

2 of those 9 are now dead. That statistic alone is sufficient for me to take this disease very seriously indeed, and it is the main reason that I am prepared, metaphorically of course, to continue to give those who continue to deny its seriousness a bit of a verbal slapping.

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2 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

OK, can't argue with all the points you made. However, genuine question, do you think all of these untruths mean the virus isn't serious and the measures being taken throughout most of Europe in particular have been unnecessary?

I have little respect for the government and don't trust a lot of what they say (suggesting the number of lorries stuck in on the M20 had been reduced from 500 to 150 was a laughable example of being economic with the truth) but that doesn't mean I don't think the situation is very serious. 

Well where I am with it just now is pretty much as I’ve tried to say to you and that’s I’m not sure what is going on but it kinda seems like something stinks to high heaven or there’s stuff we are not being told,   on the evidence I see in this country and even the official numbers do I think this is a virus you close down the whole world for , destroy people’s lives and become a shadow of what human beings are ? No ,no I dont

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2 hours ago, Eddie said:

If, as is currently being reported, we are getting around 3-4,000 deaths per week owing to Covid, then if over 99% survive it, somewhere in the region of 300-400,000 people per week must have been contracting the virus 2 - 3 weeks ago. The only way your figures could be anywhere close to being correct would be if something between 70 and 80% of all cases are not only asymptomatic - they must also be going undetected.

Wonder why figures of those tested positive but surviving are of no interest to our government or anybody else yet anybody who dies within 28 days of testing positive is recorded as a COVID death no matter what they die from and the latest gem today of how many beds are occupied by COVID positive patient no matter what they are in for ,,, perhaps that’s why mass testing is so important ( seems more important than the track trace element of the equation) ,beyond that the less than 1% mortality rate and average age of deaths as 82 are from figures put out not mine,

positive tests are easy enough to follow up and of great value ,,, yet no interest there? Ermmm

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36 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I only personally know 9 people who have definitely had it.

2 of those 9 are now dead. That statistic alone is sufficient for me to take this disease very seriously indeed, and it is the main reason that I am prepared, metaphorically of course, to continue to give those who continue to deny its seriousness a bit of a verbal slapping.

That’s fair Eddie but I’m sure you will allow the same in return , I know a similar number who have tested positive and not a single person who has died, needed hospital treatment and the worst was the one who described it as really bad flu like symptoms 

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3 hours ago, Eddie said:

We are currently getting a reported 700 or so deaths per day from Covid-19. By your figures, then around 3 weeks ago there should have been something like 140,000 new cases per day then. But that does not appear to be the case. 3 weeks ago, we were getting around 20-25,000 reported new cases per day. 


I'm going by predicted figures by the majority of scientists, not many predict more than 0.5%, to say it's 2% or 3% as you did would mean the scientists aren't even in the same ball park. 0.5% is roughly the highest they're going to, your numbers are plucked from thin air.

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5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

You really need to stop with this nonsense. 

Its along the lines of granny killer.

It is quite possible to have sympathy for families that have lost loved ones, at the same time as asking question over what the lockdowns are going to achieve and what effect they may have on other peoples lives.

I'm sure if in a few years time cancer deaths start spiking you would not want people questioning you and say you are to blame for advocating further lockdowns and less access to NHS services for people.

I know you are not a conspiracy theorist, but some of today's posts are pretty much that. Not sure why you bother defending such garbage.

The incompetent government are in a mess and don't seem to have any option left apart from total lockdown again. 

The idea that some shadowy force is really behind what is going on is laughable. I find the claims that it's not a serious disease highly insensitive too.


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6 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I know you are not a conspiracy theorist, but some of today's posts are pretty much that. Not sure why you bother defending such garbage.

The incompetent government are in a mess and don't seem to have any option left apart from total lockdown again. 

The idea that some shadowy force is really behind what is going on is laughable. I find the claims that it's not a serious disease highly insensitive too.


And some find it highly insensitive that cancer, heart disease, alzheimers, mental health, suicide, heart attacks etc. etc. etc. are now small fry, treatments amd check ups cancelled, and the only thing that matters is Covid.

The hypocrisy is unreal. I've said it before and I'll say it again, i bet you and the majority of others thought nothing of popping to the shops, nipping to the office when you weren't fully over the flu/had a virus - did you care about spreading that to the vulnerable which could kill them? I bet you didn't. 

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6 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I know you are not a conspiracy theorist, but some of today's posts are pretty much that. Not sure why you bother defending such garbage.

The incompetent government are in a mess and don't seem to have any option left apart from total lockdown again. 

The idea that some shadowy force is really behind what is going on is laughable. I find the claims that it's not a serious disease highly insensitive too.


But I bet your ok with claims on here the new strain is 5 to 6 times more deadly? Your constant tactic of trying to close people down who question what’s comming from government ( and very rightly so)by laying some moral high ground v granny killer guilt trip on them is a tired and well worn tactic used in many debates here from minority groups to racism is frankly more distasteful than the insensitively you throw out and hide behind ,,,, if you think for one moment that ordinary people have been given clear and honest facts and figures to base opinion s on from the start to now ( getting worse ) then it’s you who is crazy,

oh and on another note I know roughly 7 to ten people who have tested positive ( in a close ish group of friends ) not one contacted by track and trace but they’re positives counted and it a well known fact that people who have been unable to make they’re test appointments have been notified they tested positive 

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7 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I know you are not a conspiracy theorist, but some of today's posts are pretty much that. Not sure why you bother defending such garbage.

The incompetent government are in a mess and don't seem to have any option left apart from total lockdown again. 

The idea that some shadowy force is really behind what is going on is laughable. I find the claims that it's not a serious disease highly insensitive too.

I am not defending anybody's posts.

I happen to agree with you about what some people are posting.

However, I am also calling out your post as garbage.

Youve said it on numerous occassions now that anyone that doesnt agree with the official narrative somehow doesnt care about people dying.

That is also laughable.

Some people just happen to be bothered about deaths and other knock on effects caused by the measures being implemented.


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10 minutes ago, maxjam said:


Lamebridge University? neep nalm and narry on. 

Scary thing is, imagine if they did this, people would defend it! You've already got them agreeing singing is ducking bad.

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1 hour ago, goldstar said:

And some find it highly insensitive that cancer, heart disease, alzheimers, mental health, suicide, heart attacks etc. etc. etc. are now small fry, treatments amd check ups cancelled, and the only thing that matters is Covid.

I do wonder whether they’ll look back and think whether the measures they’ve put in for gp and hospital visits were justified.
I guess they are trying to prevent outbreaks in hospital but the backlog of operations to be done is now horrendous.

I guess a lot of the backlog has been caused by the need for people to self isolate etc.

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Relating to comments about GP's etc, I do wonder if when this is all over the way we are handled by GP's/Hospital Consultants will be changed forever, maybe in a good way, and I wonder if our approach to seeing them will change.

I have had all my quarterly hospital appointments by phone since this started. I pre book a blood test locally so it can be done in time for my consultant to get the results. We have a chat on the phone and my medication turns up to my doorstep.

For routine appointments surely that has to be better than dragging me down to the Royal, fighting for a parking space in an already packed car park, contending with lots of people who are probably doing the same as me.

Of course it wont work for all but i am sure it could cut a lot of unnessary visits that could be handled by phone.

Likewise with GP's, perhaps attitudes to visits might change and people wont run to the GP's for the slightest sniffle. The amount of times someone will say to me 'have you been to the doctors' if ive had a bad cold, im like 'no ive got a cold what difference is the doctor going to make'.

Leave going to the hospital and GP's for those who actually really need to be going.

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Just now, BIllyD said:

I have not seen this claim ? Who has made it ?

I think its transmissable rather than deadly. They seem to believe the severity of the illness is the same, its just easier to catch.

I suppose in a roundabout way if it is more transmissable by default it makes it more deadly.

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