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Isle Wight tier 1 to tier 3.

@Archied is right the whole thing is dehumanising. The way Hancock says 'Social Contact' as if its a privilege is just disgusting. We're at the point where it's illegal for me to go out for a walk with 2 other people I don't live with - it's absolutely unprecedented. 

I'm also really fed up of the vaccine being dangled in front of us being the way out but until we're seeing millions getting it done there's nothing to look forward to. 

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2 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Isle Wight tier 1 to tier 3.

@Archied is right the whole thing is dehumanising. The way Hancock says 'Social Contact' as if its a privilege is just disgusting. We're at the point where it's illegal for me to go out for a walk with 2 other people I don't live with - it's absolutely unprecedented. 

I'm also really fed up of the vaccine being dangled in front of us being the way out but until we're seeing millions getting it done there's nothing to look forward to. 

Unless you are tier 4 thats not correct.

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13 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

The way Hancock says 'Social Contact' as if its a privilege is just disgusting. We're at the point where it's illegal for me to go out for a walk with 2 other people I don't live with - it's absolutely unprecedented. 

The fact that people are so willing to go along with it blows my mind. How does any of this justify the Government controlling every single part of your life, and then when they finally unlock things they act as if they're doing us a favour, giving us the freedoms we've always enjoyed back. Has a British government ever been this authoritarian? 

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Just now, Andicis said:

The fact that people are so willing to go along with it blows my mind. How does any of this justify the Government controlling every single part of your life, and then when they finally unlock things they act as if they're doing us a favour, giving us the freedoms we've always enjoyed back. Has a British government ever been this authoritarian? 

The thing is I'm not really against all the restrictions, I just think the way they're framed make them sound okay and that we're part of the effort to beat the virus. We're in arguably a worse position virus wise than we were in March yet we've been without our privilege of socialising with friends and relatives and mobility around the country. 

The government need a herculean effort in January to deploy the vaccine as much as possible and some luck that these new strains react in the same way else we are screwed. 

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3 hours ago, Monty said:

Doc, I’m really worried about this Covid thing. How lethal is it? Do I need to wear a mask? When will we get a vaccine? And how long will the vaccine last?” And the doctor shakes his head and says: “How would I know? I’m not on Facebook.”


sorry I know this is a serious thread but this appealed to my probably warped sense of humour...

You've gotta have a laugh mate!

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7 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

The thing is I'm not really against all the restrictions, I just think the way they're framed make them sound okay and that we're part of the effort to beat the virus. We're in arguably a worse position virus wise than we were in March yet we've been without our privilege of socialising with friends and relatives and mobility around the country. 

The government need a herculean effort in January to deploy the vaccine as much as possible and some luck that these new strains react in the same way else we are screwed. 

The only time the virus was ever in control was in summer, when respiratory viruses die down anyway... I don't think the controls ever worked and like you said, we have given up so much for 9 months for little to no benefit.

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37 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Isle Wight tier 1 to tier 3.

@Archied is right the whole thing is dehumanising. The way Hancock says 'Social Contact' as if its a privilege is just disgusting. We're at the point where it's illegal for me to go out for a walk with 2 other people I don't live with - it's absolutely unprecedented. 

I'm also really fed up of the vaccine being dangled in front of us being the way out but until we're seeing millions getting it done there's nothing to look forward to. 

Remember when this started ? We were being fed pics of people dropping in the streets in China from COVID , proper scary ,it comes to us we have the likes of niel Ferguson ( mr foot and mouth) with his proper scary models that don’t scare him in the slightest and now he’s back on bodies advising sage ??? Which seems to be populated by quite a few more qualified in behavioural science and psychology , ermmmm,

, no more flu deaths , deaths within 28 days of positive test , COVID positive occupied beds, deaths from up to a month prior counted as daily deaths , the list goes on,

if anybody thinks we are going to get our lives back as free human beings who act like humans with human instincts without a fight then they are sadly mistaken ,

how have we been led to the point where we are ok to leave our loved ones to die alone but it’s ok to hand them over to front line workers and care assistants who then get the bus home to they’re own families ,go to the shops and all the other stuff we all do ?


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11 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

The thing is I'm not really against all the restrictions, I just think the way they're framed make them sound okay and that we're part of the effort to beat the virus. We're in arguably a worse position virus wise than we were in March yet we've been without our privilege of socialising with friends and relatives and mobility around the country. 

The government need a herculean effort in January to deploy the vaccine as much as possible and some luck that these new strains react in the same way else we are screwed. 

Let’s just hope that the conspiracy theory around the vaccine is all that’s in play here and we can all just take the bloody thing ,give big pharma they’re money and get our lives back but I’m beginning to doubt that

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4 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

I get the singing stuff but with normal behaviour there seems very little chance of catching it. Nearly everyone I know has been at work throughout the year, factories, schools, retail, coming into contact with potentially hundreds of people daily. Hardly any cases apart from January/February 2020 when loads of us had a few days of strange flu like symptoms, my wife, daughter, grandkids, plus many colleagues, all had it before the first lockdown. No one was tested so can't prove it was covid but it appears that we are all immune if it is as prevalent as were told.

I would say that the hand washing and distancing has also stopped any of us from having normal colds all year as well.

I believe the risk of contracting covid from asymptomatic carriers is tiny if sensible precautions are adhered to.

I'm no scientist so I'll await the expert opinions but going from my own experience over the last year I do believe we are being fed some huge propaganda to keep us in a state of fear. 

I realise some will accuse me of going a bit conspiracy theory here but I don't see common sense being applied by our leaders over this. We are being asked to believe that this particular virus has super powers compared to the millions that have gone before.

I don't know, I'm rambling a bit now, something just doesn't seem right, from the original WHO advice that masks won't help to the sudden change in Government policy, to the message that having had it you still may not have immunity.......come on, thats got to be rubbish, how would a vaccine be any better than natural defence?

Every news bulletin, every single one, even East Midlands, radio, everything, is mainly covid related, like there's nothing else happening anywhere in the world, constant drip, drip of instilling fear into us all, I really hope I'm wrong about all this and its all kosher......it just dunna feel raite........

Merry Christmas everybody xx

You don't sound like a conspiracy theorist, you sound like someone engaging their brain and realising something isn't right. 

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10 minutes ago, Andicis said:

The only time the virus was ever in control was in summer, when respiratory viruses die down anyway... I don't think the controls ever worked and like you said, we have given up so much for 9 months for little to no benefit.

Makes you wonder why they would make such a massive show of building nightingale hospitals never used that they knew they could not staff( now happy to say they can’t be staffed) build ventilators that have never been used ,

makes you wonder if the new mutant kills two birds with one stone ,, more lockdowns and cover impending brexit border/ trade problems 

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13 minutes ago, Archied said:

Remember when this started ? We were being fed pics of people dropping in the streets in China from COVID , proper scary ,it comes to us we have the likes of niel Ferguson ( mr foot and mouth) with his proper scary models that don’t scare him in the slightest and now he’s back on bodies advising sage ??? Which seems to be populated by quite a few more qualified in behavioural science and psychology , ermmmm,

, no more flu deaths , deaths within 28 days of positive test , COVID positive occupied beds, deaths from up to a month prior counted as daily deaths , the list goes on,

if anybody thinks we are going to get our lives back as free human beings who act like humans with human instincts without a fight then they are sadly mistaken ,

how have we been led to the point where we are ok to leave our loved ones to die alone but it’s ok to hand them over to front line workers and care assistants who then get the bus home to they’re own families ,go to the shops and all the other stuff we all do ?


Absolutely bang on. They really did a job using the word 'conspiracy theorist' for all the wacky theories, then when genuine concerns are raised the old tin foil hat comments are rolled out. 

If anyone would like to read the World Economic Forum about the Great Reset and also the Forbes article by a WEF contributor, the future plans are all laid out there. 

And the reason all these celebs and politicans get caught out not social distancing/mask wearing? (when they are so privy to the info showing how terrible this virus is)... they know the truth. Matt Hancock crying on Good Morning Britain, try laughing (duping delight). 

I'm amazed people still believe this is to curb deaths from a virus, astounded. 

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11 minutes ago, goldstar said:

Absolutely bang on. They really did a job using the word 'conspiracy theorist' for all the wacky theories, then when genuine concerns are raised the old tin foil hat comments are rolled out. 

If anyone would like to read the World Economic Forum about the Great Reset and also the Forbes article by a WEF contributor, the future plans are all laid out there. 

And the reason all these celebs and politicans get caught out not social distancing/mask wearing? (when they are so privy to the info showing how terrible this virus is)... they know the truth. Matt Hancock crying on Good Morning Britain, try laughing (duping delight). 

I'm amazed people still believe this is to curb deaths from a virus, astounded. 

Yep I’m going to be doing a bit more reading and nosing around the alternative material out there that they are so desperate to censor because if you are telling the truth you don’t fear or need to censor anything , what we are being fed has more holes in it than ran c nesbitts vest,, even saint wee jimmy cranky is out and about without mask now ,,, you couldn’t make this crap up ,,,,,unless you were George Orwell or aldous huxley

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Out of curiosity for the conspiracy theorists on here, if we are supposed to be doing it for some brexit reason, what reason are Ireland   France,  Italy , Germany and so on doing it?  What about Australia when they lockdown for a handful of cases, what's their reason ?


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Ok so there’s a new even more contagious mutant from South Africa which is even more contagious than the Kent mutant which is even more contagious than the most contagious dangerous virus the human race has faced from China ,,, willing to bet tier 4 won’t cut it ,

seems the joke about not being allowed to look out the window in tier 6 might not be a joke at all,

begs the question of when can something reach the limits of contagiousness and what point do we say it’s so contagious that we have no way of stopping it spreading so have to accept it till herd immunity, they are reaching critical mass with the rhetoric so expect a bit of a unturn or detour soon 

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13 minutes ago, Sith Happens said:

Out of curiosity for the conspiracy theorists on here, if we are supposed to be doing it for some brexit reason, what reason are Ireland   France,  Italy , Germany and so on doing it?  What about Australia when they lockdown for a handful of cases, what's their reason ?


My personal answer to that is ,I’m no expert in alchemy but I do know shat when I smell it

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21 minutes ago, Archied said:

Yep I’m going to be doing a bit more reading and nosing around the alternative material out there that they are so desperate to censor because if you are telling the truth you don’t fear or need to censor anything , what we are being fed has more holes in it than ran c nesbitts vest,, even saint wee jimmy cranky is out and about without mask now ,,, you couldn’t make this crap up ,,,,,unless you were George Orwell or aldous huxley

I honestly can't describe how mental this whole situation is. Properly, properly insane. If i would have described this situation last year, people would have scoffed at me and said how ridiculous that would be a dictatorship, now it's happening, they are scrambling to find any sort of logic in what's going on/defend it and there is none. 

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