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1 hour ago, Angry Ram said:

This government needs to pick a team, any team. This constant trying to please everyone is bollx. IF they feel a lockdown is the only answer, then fund it properly and ducking lock down properly, no poxy education in a school or uni. No half arsed, you can go to work with someone ( who incidentally, I have no way of knowing what they do or see outside work) but not see someone who you know is pretty careful and is treating this, in their mind, seriously.. You know who they are. Or go the other way and try and protect the venerable (properly) and let everyone else crack on.. Let’s have it right, there are two camps here and whatever you choose will get vilified.. But at least it’s a ducking decision.. 
Piss poor at the moment, sound bites and little substance.. Pick a camp, grow a pair and get on with it.. You never know, even those who are not your biggest fans, might have some respect..

Rant over.. e

Not a rant mate. Makes perfect sense to me. I think they are so desperate to salvage some credibility (and voters) that they are now in a state of decision-making paralysis.

Briefly addressing the two camps comment, my lot don't exactly come out of this well either. Far from joining forces, they chose to highlight mistakes while offering nothing in the way of alternatives. Clearly they think this will engender good faith but they are clearly strategically stupid as it in fact has the polar opposite effect. I pretty much ignore them all at the moment as I think only Sunak has come out of this without his reputation in tatters.

If there is one lesson to learned from all of this, it's that the very last people who should dictate UK policy for addressing a pandemic, it is politicians of any denomination

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3 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

No insults just observations from yours posts. The point of my original post is time is precious, we should make our own decisions on who we see and when and live with those decisions.  

Then maybe revisit my original post and tell me which part of it states otherwise. Actually, don't bother! My 'observations from your posts' tell me that any attempt to discuss this sensibly will only go one way. Have a good evening.

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Just now, 86 Hair Islands said:

Then maybe revisit my original post and tell me which part of it states otherwise. Actually, don't bother! My 'observations from your posts' tell me that any attempt to discuss this sensibly will only go one way. Have a good evening.

Have a good evening also 

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1 hour ago, alexxxxx said:

Horrendous numbers from London tonight again. Probs gonna go to sainsbury's tomorrow and sit inside for a week.

you're going to sit inside sainsburys ? weirdo ?

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

Truth is they feel promising Christmas was a mistake and not got the balls to say so , so we now have this mutant stalking the streets to justify the change but actually there really is NO CHANGE, I m going to work tomorrow as is my wife ( in child care ) mixing with multiple people who we have no way of knowing how they live they’re lives but can’t mix with people who we have a much greater chance of asking and knowing the care they take,,, it’s b locks and has been from day 1

Pretty desperate stuff. You are claiming that there is no change in the virus and this mutantation doesn't exist?

So the science, who have never been behind the original Xmas rules, have now done Johnson a favour and invented this mutation so Johnson can attempt to save face. Yeah, seems really plausible.

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1 hour ago, Norman said:

They're only confident it will last several months. Obviously they don't have the data for any further, but nobody knows.  And it doesn't stop the virus spreading through populations. 

I will change my life expectations when antibodies in those in the trials are still showing the same antibodies in the summer. 

Until then, Ive given up on next year. Summer 2022 for more normality is my guess. 

That's a very reasonable attitude to take. Social distancing and mask-wearing will be very much to the fore during pretty well the whole of 2021 - my guess is that only 20% of the population will see the vaccine before summer.

From my own perspective, I'm likely to be vaccinated fairly early on (being over 65 and extremely clinically vulnerable) but I will still try to respect others, wear a mask, keep my distance and so forth.

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3 hours ago, angieram said:

I know some people who work on the trains. They were completely overwhelmed last night, didn't know the announcement was going to happen any more than we did and the few staff on duty, including railway police, could not physically  prevent people from travelling even if they had tried. As you say, they weren't doing anything illegal, just stupid.

The trains have been very slack for months now, but a lot of people with a prebooked ticket turned up last night instead of travelling home in much smaller numbers over several days between now and Christmas Eve.

Let's hope they didn't all take an unexpected extra present home to their families.

This sort of thing makes more annoyed with the Government than most of their mistakes. Total  incompetence and complete lack of thought and care. We need people with life experience in charge, not a narrow elite who rarely even use the train and have numerous homes to safely escape too.

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1 hour ago, Norman said:

They're only confident it will last several months. Obviously they don't have the data for any further, but nobody knows.  And it doesn't stop the virus spreading through populations. 

I will change my life expectations when antibodies in those in the trials are still showing the same antibodies in the summer. 

Until then, Ive given up on next year. Summer 2022 for more normality is my guess. 

I am sure,  but happy to be corrected, but didn't think it had been determined to what degree it stopped the spread of the virus?

Everything I have read has suggested that there is likely to be a significant protection from spreading it, but still to be proven. 

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Pretty desperate stuff. You are claiming that there is no change in the virus and this mutantation doesn't exist?

So the science, who have never been behind the original Xmas rules, have now done Johnson a favour and invented this mutation so Johnson can attempt to save face. Yeah, seems really plausible.

Nope , I’m saying that it has been made the most of in terms of timing when to put the news out and how to put it it out ,,,, whoops doo , it doesn’t make you any more ill , it doesn’t affect the vaccines potency against it but lo and behold it spreads 70 more virulently than the old ,,, errrrrrm , you carry on being an unquestioning sheep if that’s what floats your boat , there are many more who are waking up to the way things are being done??‍♂️

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11 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:


Just goes to show that life will not be back to normal until the vaccine is rolled out.

NSW has had some of the more inconsistent and lax management of the virus in the country, so it's not a surprise they've let this cluster balloon so badly. So far, the other states are unimpacted by it though. If they do the right thing from here, and personally I think they're not getting in front of this well enough, they should be able to control this by early January. In truth, I suspect we're looking at Victoria 2.0. 

They've also still not figured out how this outbreak started, unlike in South Australia, where we determined virtually instantly what happened, which allowed rapid ringfencing. The media yesterday seem to have info that suggests that there are concerns about the number of travelers who got exemptions from quarantine. We'll see in the coming days if they can figure that one out. 

You're right though, a true normal won't truly happen until this disease is controlled globally, and ultimately that won't happen without a vaccine at this point. That said, being in this position, where once every 3 odd months you need to briefly have the walls back up, has been fantastic in comparison. 

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5 minutes ago, Archied said:

Nope , I’m saying that it has been made the most of in terms of timing when to put the news out and how to put it it out ,,,, whoops doo , it doesn’t make you any more ill , it doesn’t affect the vaccines potency against it but lo and behold it spreads 70 more virulently than the old ,,, errrrrrm , you carry on being an unquestioning sheep if that’s what floats your boat , there are many more who are waking up to the way things are being done??‍♂️

Not really sure you've noticed which forum you're on with that kind of rhetoric. 

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13 minutes ago, Archied said:

Nope , I’m saying that it has been made the most of in terms of timing when to put the news out and how to put it it out ,,,, whoops doo , it doesn’t make you any more ill , it doesn’t affect the vaccines potency against it but lo and behold it spreads 70 more virulently than the old ,,, errrrrrm , you carry on being an unquestioning sheep if that’s what floats your boat , there are many more who are waking up to the way things are being done??‍♂️

Surely it's totally obvious that 70% increase in transmission means that lots more people are going to get infected quicker, increasing the demand on hospitals and leading to more deaths. 

My questions are why it took until Saturday to do something about it. Not sure what your questions are?

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35 minutes ago, Archied said:

Nope , I’m saying that it has been made the most of in terms of timing when to put the news out and how to put it it out ,,,, whoops doo , it doesn’t make you any more illill(not proven) , it doesn’t affect the vaccines potency against itit(not proven) but lo and behold it spreads 70 more virulently than the oldold(not proven) ,,, errrrrrm , you carry on being an unquestioning sheep if that’s what floats your boat , there are many more who are waking up to the way things are being done??‍♂️

Not sure why the editor doubles the previous word, must be a virus.

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