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The Politics Thread 2020


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2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

It's not a crusade for Tommy Robinson, it's just wanting to see people treated equally and not discriminated against for standing up for what they believe is right (within the bounds of the law of course).


That's the point. It's not in the bounds of the law to smack someone in the mouth. If it was, he wouldn't have been arrested for doing it.

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5 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

You are right of course - I actually watched the video and felt a lot of empathy for him when he was asking his daughter what happened. Just that it slowly dissipated as things just started to feel a little bit staged. The way he was grifting for support, using his kid as emotional bait was just a bit horrible to watch. Why does he think he needs to do that. Does he really think that no one supports a child victim of sexual assault? Then he finally dropped the big one and mentioned that the guy was asian...did he really need to do that?

So yeah - I have a lot of empathy for his daughter, and for him as a Dad. But very little sympathy for him in the way he is using it as a promotional opportunity for the cult of Tommy Robinson

So why do you think he’s like that?

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10 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I don't know all the details. With all the information in the public domain, and Tommeh's own account of it, there's reasonable grounds to arrest him for his part in this. I don't know enough about what happened before that and I would clearly support it being investigated. If there's reasonable evidence of what happened, rather than just hearsay, I would expect a second arrest to have been made. We don't know enough to say whether or not it was a clear enough case to warrant any involvement from the police. But we know enough about Tommeh's actions - from his own words - so he can't really complain. It's just people who seem to think he should be immune to consequence for his actions that are defending him.

I do not believe ANYBODY should be immune from the consequences of they’re actions ,I do believe though that every incident should be investigated on its own merits and to be fair there are posts on here that clearly show the posters are at best reluctant or at worst incapable of applying that to ALL ,,, most certainly to the alleged accused of sexual assaulter  too

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4 hours ago, GboroRam said:

I think you've missed the significance of the word allegedly in there. You don't get to assault people, even if it's proved true. You go through due process and the legal system deals with the appropriate punishment.

And for the record, I read all the details including the alleged sexual assault. Not sure what media you're looking at.

Yeah because the legal system has a good record for locking nonces up.......If true then the perv that did this if charged at all will get what, a warning, a keep away from swimming pools ASBO, basically a slap on the wrist.......I think a good smack in the face would be a whole lot more satisfying to me and many more MEN 

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14 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

That's the point. It's not in the bounds of the law to smack someone in the mouth. If it was, he wouldn't have been arrested for doing it.

Is it in the law to grope an 8 year old girls bum in a swimming pool?

Assume the 'victim' was arrested for doing so?

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17 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I don't know all the details. With all the information in the public domain, and Tommeh's own account of it, there's reasonable grounds to arrest him for his part in this. I don't know enough about what happened before that and I would clearly support it being investigated. If there's reasonable evidence of what happened, rather than just hearsay, I would expect a second arrest to have been made. We don't know enough to say whether or not it was a clear enough case to warrant any involvement from the police. But we know enough about Tommeh's actions - from his own words - so he can't really complain. It's just people who seem to think he should be immune to consequence for his actions that are defending him.

Are you incapable of spelling Tommy by the way?

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19 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

You are right of course - I actually watched the video and felt a lot of empathy for him when he was asking his daughter what happened. Just that it slowly dissipated as things just started to feel a little bit staged. The way he was grifting for support, using his kid as emotional bait was just a bit horrible to watch. Why does he think he needs to do that. Does he really think that no one supports a child victim of sexual assault? Then he finally dropped the big one and mentioned that the guy was asian...did he really need to do that?

So yeah - I have a lot of empathy for his daughter, and for him as a Dad. But very little sympathy for him in the way he is using it as a promotional opportunity for the cult of Tommy Robinson

You haven’t quite got what I mean , probably me not putting it across properly

what i mean kind of is 

would you like to be him (Tommy Robinson) ?, what makes you different ,life’s breaks? The brains / personality we are born with ,life experieces?

would you for a moment swap your life for his? That’s what I mean by empathy, it’s easy to empathise with the some but it’s far more challenging to us as people to do it where it’s much easier to just hate

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17 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

 It's just people who seem to think he should be immune to consequence for his actions that are defending him.

I don't really see people defending him, maybe saying its not beyond the realms of what they would do themselves (as would I tbh) but then we'd all have to face the consequences.

What annoyed me was the biased reporting.  TR is hated by the media and non of them could bring themselves to mention what led up him punching the other guy - but lets not forget they have all signed up to 'The Trust Project' ☹️


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1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

In other words, "whatabout".

This new found whatabout that’s surfaced is very funny and the new cover all get off the hook phrase,

what’s wrong with what about ? Einstein s relativity no good either , what about is a vital measuring stick to us all on how we gauge and perceive things surely?

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14 minutes ago, Archied said:

This new found whatabout that’s surfaced is very funny and the new cover all get off the hook phrase,

what’s wrong with what about ? Einstein s relativity no good either , what about is a vital measuring stick to us all on how we gauge and perceive things surely?

Because it's no defence for your actions. It's the equivalent of "some bigger boys were doing it as well". 

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4 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Because it's no defence for your actions. It's the equivalent of "some bigger boys were doing it as well". 

In that scenario fair enough , just seen it used a lot lately in a way that closes down decent debate on subject matter

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53 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

It's just people who seem to think he should be immune to consequence for his actions that are defending him.

Can you link all of the quotes that are defending him?

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28 minutes ago, Archied said:

what i mean kind of is 

would you like to be him (Tommy Robinson) ?, what makes you different ,life’s breaks? The brains / personality we are born with ,life experieces?

would you for a moment swap your life for his? That’s what I mean by empathy, it’s easy to empathise with the some but it’s far more challenging to us as people to do it where it’s much easier to just hate

I don't have the first idea why he is the way he is. I guess the money and the fame have a lot to do with it, but I guess deep down there is something in his psyche that makes him enjoy martyrdom

I do see what you're saying - and on that level I do have some empathy with him.

Trouble is, the next step is extending that same level of empathy to the alleged nonce who touched his kid. What made him the way he is? A large percentage of abusers were abused themselves etc. See how far you get with the likes of G Star and his buddies if you try that angle.




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5 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Trouble is, the next step is extending that same level of empathy to the alleged nonce who touched his kid. What made him the way he is? A large percentage of abusers were abused themselves etc. See how far you get with the likes of G Star and his buddies if you try that angle.

You might get quite far with me.

I believe in giving people a second chance and rehabilitation. 

Unfortunately, to rehabilitate people you have to accept their is a problem and actually address the problem, but we know how popular that idea is with you and your buddies....

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18 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Because it's no defence for your actions. It's the equivalent of "some bigger boys were doing it as well". 

Think that is where we will never agree, for me, somebody sexually assaulting one of my kids would be more than enough defence for giving them a bloody nose.


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20 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

You might get quite far with me.

I believe in giving people a second chance and rehabilitation.

So you wouldn't just punch them in the face?


19 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

somebody sexually assaulting one of my kids would be more than enough defence for giving them a bloody nose.


But it's OK - you;d get a second chance and rehabilitation once you've done your sentence for GBH too

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Just now, SchtivePesley said:

So you wouldn't just punch them in the face?

But it's OK - you;d get a second chance and rehabilitation once you've done your sentence for GBH too

Yes, I would give them a proper pasting and then accept whatever punishment came my way.

Meanwhile they would probably walk the streets safe in the knowledge they wont be getting arrested for fear of offending you and your buddies.

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1 minute ago, SchtivePesley said:

I don't have the first idea why he is the way he is. I guess the money and the fame have a lot to do with it, but I guess deep down there is something in his psyche that makes him enjoy martyrdom

I do see what you're saying - and on that level I do have some empathy with him.

Trouble is, the next step is extending that same level of empathy to the alleged nonce who touched his kid. What made him the way he is? A large percentage of abusers were abused themselves etc. See how far you get with the likes of G Star and his buddies if you try that angle.




I very much do extend the same level of thinking / empathy to nonces ( your word ) ,why? Because there is something mentally and emotionally wrong with them , WTF would choose to be wired that way ? My view is they should be locked up permanently to keep society safe and keep them safe from themselves ,sorry if that appears draconian but we have to protect society, would I be strong enough to carry through the sense of decency I try to impose on myself if I was in the situation with my children or anybody else’s children that Robinson was allegedly faced with ? Really can’t say if I could 

am I afraid to show humanity in case what you call g star and his buddies think of me ? Hell no ,no more than I’m afraid of what anybody thinks of me regarding Robinson with similar open eyes and ears which I may say has had me viewed as a bigot by some on here( be honest)

on your point regards the abused becoming abusers you don’t need to tell me , I worked as an addictions counsellor in prison in a former life and can tell you the life stories of some that lots would just dismiss as the dregs of the earth were fuxxing heartbreaking and could reduce you to tears ,

that said ,at one point I was asked to take up a position as addiction counsellor working with sex offender and was not made of strong enough stuff to take it up 

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I've got a bit of time for TR, From the birth of the EDL to his loose links to the Quillian Foundation and him taking up the fight for the abuse of Children by a certain section of society.

TR started the EDL when Soldiers were coming back from Iraq and were abused by a section of the Luton community calling them baby killers, The EDL were quickly becoming an organisation of football hooligans, Far right nut jobs, The less educated in this country and finacially supported by some rich people who saw TR taking on their percieved enemy.

TR found that taking on his crusade and the Government was to much to handle and he quit the EDL after repeated arrests, He went and sought refuge in the Quillion Foundation but personalities forced him else where.

TR is a self publicist and has seen his bank balance grow significantly, He has the ability to get huge support from the far right in this country, His protests in Leeds where he almost got the defendents off after loading his arrest up on the internet, The Judge wasn't impressed, His last stint at one of her majestys hotels cost the government more than any average guest, There were some nasty groups inside that wanted him dead, But they were kept away from him, TR knows the Government will only tollerate so much, He also knows that is he loses his life while serving time there will be trouble ahead from his followers.

I've seen the headlines but not the video, I've read the posts on here concerning his arrest and the Asian who alledgedly touched his Daughter, I'm a huge cynic now at my age and believe there's more to this story than we all know.








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