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The Politics Thread 2020


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28 minutes ago, Norman said:

I think you're missing the point. Horses are great for riot control. I didn't call this a riot. It has the potential to be one. If things kick off, you can't just ring up the nearest police horse base and get horses down there with sirens on their heads inside 10 minutes. Therefore, they are there already. Its called planning. Like at football matches. Do you feel threatened going to a football match because of police horses? 


i wouldn't know, as i have never been to a football match in England, but rather doubt i would feel threatened at a sports venue of any kind.  Actually, i take that back, i did feel a tad intimidated at a cockfight in a mountain village in Philippines.  Those were some big roosters.

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Because trotting at and then charging protesters, the vast majority of whom were entirely peaceful, during a protest against aggressive policing makes complete sense. They must be very well trained horses if they know who is there for peaceful protest and who is there simply to hijack a march and cause as much trouble as they can ?‍♂️ 

And for the record, anyone with any experience of horses knows that a 17 hand + horse will do you a whole world of damage if it hits you at even at a trot or hack canter, let alone a full out gallop. Those buggers weigh around 1200lbs. And for the record, if a line of horses were being trotted at me, rather than walked, I'd be chucking stuff at them too. duck that for a game of soldiers.

Still, the pearl-clutching likes of @Anon and co who have advocated the shooting of looters and rioters must be absolutely delighted to see the police taking such a no-nonsense approach back here in Blighty, despite the lack of riots and looting. 



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6 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

 And for the record, if a line of horses were being trotted at me, rather than walked, I'd be chucking stuff at them too. duck that for a game of soldiers.

Amazing. You'd throw missiles at the police and horses because you didn't want to move when you were asked to? 

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31 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Because trotting at and then charging protesters, the vast majority of whom were entirely peaceful, during a protest against aggressive policing makes complete sense. They must be very well trained horses if they know who is there for peaceful protest and who is there simply to hijack a march and cause as much trouble as they can ?‍♂️ 

And for the record, anyone with any experience of horses knows that a 17 hand + horse will do you a whole world of damage if it hits you at even at a trot or hack canter, let alone a full out gallop. Those buggers weigh around 1200lbs. And for the record, if a line of horses were being trotted at me, rather than walked, I'd be chucking stuff at them too. duck that for a game of soldiers.

Still, the pearl-clutching likes of @Anon and co who have advocated the shooting of looters and rioters must be absolutely delighted to see the police taking such a no-nonsense approach back here in Blighty, despite the lack of riots and looting. 



I advocate the suppression of criminal activity within the bounds of the law. You laud it, and I encourage you to keep cheering it. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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25 minutes ago, Norman said:

Well, it looks like they just Trot down the road to me. Plenty of room to move to, plenty are shown to be moving out of the way. Nobody got remotely close to being trampled.

I would have moved out of the way, and not thrown missiles at the police or their horses to begin with though. 

So would I but then I'm not the kind of mindless fuckwit who sees every perfectly valid peaceful protest as nothing more than an opportunity to incite violence. Been on loads of marches, never put my hands on anyone, police included, even when provoked.

And more to the point, I'm not excusing the behaviour of a knuckle-dragging minority either. If I was to get involved in any fisticuffs, it'd be far more likely that it'd be with the wannabe anarchists than a bunch of cops that probably don't want to be there anyway and some of whom may well sympathise with the protesters.

The vast majority of our cops are a million miles away from the bamfords that we see over the pond and it's a shame that a few idiots have again allowed the focus to shift away from the purpose of the march. It'll no doubt surprise you, given your earlier response, but I actually respect the work that most of our policemen and women do, often under extreme provocation. Perhaps we don't allow bullies, cowards and sociopaths to join the force, which I'd venture is a sensible starting point. Contrary to what you seem to believe, I don't just want to see the world in flames. 


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8 minutes ago, Anon said:

I advocate the suppression of criminal activity within the bounds of the law. You laud it, and I encourage you to keep cheering it. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

I don't and haven't but then if it prevents another hand-wringing session, then I'm content for you to believe otherwise. I encourage you to continue to advocate police brutality and I'd also recommend bleach.

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5 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

So would I but then I'm not the kind of mindless fuckwit who sees every perfectly valid peaceful protest as nothing more than an opportunity to incite violence. Been on loads of marches, never put my hands on anyone, police included, even when provoked.

And more to the point, I'm not excusing the behaviour of a knuckle-dragging minority either. If I was to get involved in any fisticuffs, it'd be far more likely that it'd be with the wannabe anarchists than a bunch of cops that probably don't want to be there anyway and some of whom may well sympathise with the protesters.

The vast majority of our cops are a million miles away form the bamfords that we see over the pond and it's a shame that a few idiots have again allowed the focus to shift away from the purpose of the march. It'll no doubt surprise you, given your earlier response, but I actually respect the work that most of our policemen and women do, often under extreme provocation. Perhaps we don't accept bullies, cowards and sociopaths to join the force, which I'd venture is a sensible starting point. Contrary to what you seem to believe, I don't just want to see the world in flames. 


So why so defensive. You're the one defending people throwing poo at the police and horses, only to come full circle and agree with what I was saying. 

Seems like you're just contradicting yourself. You can't advocate something then call the same actions those of a knuckle-dragger. 

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10 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

I don't and haven't but then if it prevents another hand-wringing session, then I'm content for you to believe otherwise. I encourage you to continue to advocate police brutality and I'd also recommend bleach.


55 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

And for the record, if a line of horses were being trotted at me, rather than walked, I'd be chucking stuff at them too. duck that for a game of soldiers.

You literally just said that you would've attacked the police too in the very situation we're discussing.

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2 minutes ago, Norman said:

So why so defensive. You're the one defending people throwing poo at the police and horses, only to come full circle and agree with what I was saying. 

Seems like you're just contradicting yourself. You can't advocate something then call the same actions those of a knuckle-dragger. 

Because unlike you, I'm apparently able to distinguish the difference between violent and non-violent protest. It's not a complicated notion. I haven't defended their behaviour either, I've said that as a peaceful protester, I'd protect myself by any means necessary. If you're unable to discern the difference between that stance and mindless Bamfords who throw stuff at police purely for poops and giggles then perhaps this debate is not for you. You crack on anyways though mate. It's water off a duck's arse and I know what you're about anyway. 

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Another day, another Mango Mussolini hissy fit...

Donald Trump orders 9,500 US troops to leave Germany

White House says move due to more Nato defence spending, not tensions with Angela Merkel

Donald Trump has ordered the US military to remove nearly 9,500 troops from Germany in a move likely to raise concerns in Europe about the US commitment to the region.

The move would reduce US troop numbers in Germany to 25,000, compared with the 34,500 currently there, a senior US official said.

The official said the move was the result of months of work by America’s top military officer, General Mark Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and had nothing to do with tensions between Trump and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, who thwarted Trump’s plan to host a G7 meeting this month.

Poor old Donny!

Full story here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/05/trump-orders-9500-us-troops-to-leave-germany#_=_

Meanwhile, the real republican power-brokers are busy jumping ship. Seems Trump's reign is as good as over unless Putin can pull another rabbit out of the hat. Embarrassing that some of the GoP would rather vote for Biden than their own guy.

Vote for Trump? These Republican Leaders Aren’t on the Bandwagon

Former President George W. Bush and Senator Mitt Romney won’t support Mr. Trump’s re-election, and other G.O.P. officials are mulling a vote for Joe Biden.

WASHINGTON — It was one thing in 2016 for top Republicans to take a stand against Donald J. Trump for president: He wasn’t likely to win anyway, the thinking went, and there was no ongoing conservative governing agenda that would be endangered.

The 2020 campaign is different: Opposing the sitting president of your own party means putting policy priorities at risk, in this case appointing conservative judges, sustaining business-friendly regulations and cutting taxes — as well as incurring the volcanic wrath of Mr. Trump.

Oh dear. Oranje Man dead in the water! 

Full story here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/06/us/politics/trump-biden-republicans-voters.html

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Can we all agree now that lockdown is over? when I suggested this at the point of the Cummings affair it was clearly pointed out by some that ignoring the lockdown rules was tantamount to Recklessly killing people and only for those of low moral standards, that appears to have shifted somewhat?

theres no moral high ground here you either believe ANYONE flouting the rules does not give a poo for other human lives/ causing deaths or you don’t ,

ive never agreed with lockdown or the Hotchpotch pretence of lockdown that we’ve seen in this country but have abided by the rules but the death of an American black man and what has followed make it very clear lockdown is unenforceable, in the end most people do what they think is right.

sadly the debate on here regards this subject has yet again descended into name calling and thinly veiled accusations ,sad state of affairs really

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3 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Another day, another Mango Mussolini hissy fit...

Donald Trump orders 9,500 US troops to leave Germany

White House says move due to more Nato defence spending, not tensions with Angela Merkel

Donald Trump has ordered the US military to remove nearly 9,500 troops from Germany in a move likely to raise concerns in Europe about the US commitment to the region.

The move would reduce US troop numbers in Germany to 25,000, compared with the 34,500 currently there, a senior US official said.

The official said the move was the result of months of work by America’s top military officer, General Mark Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and had nothing to do with tensions between Trump and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, who thwarted Trump’s plan to host a G7 meeting this month.

Poor old Donny!

Full story here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/05/trump-orders-9500-us-troops-to-leave-germany#_=_

Meanwhile, the real republican power-brokers are busy jumping ship. Seems Trump's reign is as good as over unless Putin can pull another rabbit out of the hat. Embarrassing that some of the GoP would rather vote for Biden than their own guy.

Vote for Trump? These Republican Leaders Aren’t on the Bandwagon

Former President George W. Bush and Senator Mitt Romney won’t support Mr. Trump’s re-election, and other G.O.P. officials are mulling a vote for Joe Biden.

WASHINGTON — It was one thing in 2016 for top Republicans to take a stand against Donald J. Trump for president: He wasn’t likely to win anyway, the thinking went, and there was no ongoing conservative governing agenda that would be endangered.

The 2020 campaign is different: Opposing the sitting president of your own party means putting policy priorities at risk, in this case appointing conservative judges, sustaining business-friendly regulations and cutting taxes — as well as incurring the volcanic wrath of Mr. Trump.

Oh dear. Oranje Man dead in the water! 

Full story here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/06/us/politics/trump-biden-republicans-voters.html

So it’s nothing to do with the death of a black man it’s all about any excuse for a riot and blame Donald Trump. Before this kicked off I wanted Candance Owens to stand for office and get rid of Trump but I am going to laugh my socks off if he gets a second term the rioters deserve him to be re-elected.

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18 minutes ago, cstand said:

So it’s nothing to do with the death of a black man it’s all about any excuse for a riot and blame Donald Trump. Before this kicked off I wanted Candance Owens to stand for office and get rid of Trump but I am going to laugh my socks off if he gets a second term the rioters deserve him to be re-elected.

Errrrm... I'm not even going to try and fathom the first part of your post.

Also, I'm unsure whether Candace can dance?

Ref your socks, stay calm, they are going nowhere ?

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16 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Really saddening to see folk saying that it's fine that a 75 year old man can be shoved over and left with blood pouring out of his head just for having the temerity to walk towards dozens of police officers, all of whom were equipped with face guards, batons and riot gear. I find the suggestion that he got what he deserved pretty repugnant if I'm honest. If someone treated my old man like that, I'd end them without giving it a thought.

When people attempt to justify this kind of police action, I'm afraid they lose me on the spot. It's a completely over the top response by any measure and bullying of the absolute lowest kind. Physical abuse of kids, old folk and women is not acceptable and I'm absolutely stunned to see people suggesting otherwise and applauding the sentiment. 

As for the cops, well if riot police seriously feel threatened by one frail old pensioner, they're ducking cowards and plainly in the wrong job. I'm sure I must have seen a more pathetically fearful reaction from a riot cop at some point in my life, but right now, I'm struggling to recall one.

There have always been political spats on this forum, but this thread has taken a very dark turn in recent days and its thoroughly depressing to watch. 



Everyone an innocent protester pull the other one.

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