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Should DCFC rename the South Stand...


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10 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

Can you expand @Squid?{ ohh! May-tron! Etc}.

I'm large enough thank you very much. ?


What I was saying is that although I'd love for us to rename the south stand after ol' Jim, I doubt we will, I mean we don't have a stand name dedicated to any of our other club heroes?

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2 minutes ago, Squid said:

I'm large enough thank you very much. ?


What I was saying is that although I'd love for us to rename the south stand after ol' Jim, I doubt we will, I mean we don't have a stand name dedicated to any of our other club heroes?

You mean apart from Gordon Guthrie? 

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They should do it, you could have the four stands named after Cloughie, Cox, Smith and Mackay. In my opinion. 


But as squid mentioned they wont, because in this day and age, it’s all about getting what income in you can, and the stands are thus all sponsored I believe.

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1 minute ago, Josh said:

They should do it, you could have the four stands named after Cloughie, Cox, Smith and Mackay. In my opinion. 


But as squid mentioned they wont, because in this day and age, it’s all about getting what income in you can, and the stands are thus all sponsored I believe.

I agree that it would be nice for the stands to be named after club legends.  TBE deserves something, as does Clough, Mackay, Hector, McFarland, Pickering, Guthrie and others.  Some of these have already been honoured in some way at either at PPS or the BBG, so it probably isn’t fair to suggest the club won’t do something.

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I'd be more than happy if they named it... or any of the others, for that matter... The Jim Smith Stand.


And whilst they're at it, can they rename the rest of the stadium with the more accurate directions in mind?
Surely someone must have noticed the skew-whiff orientation, when they built the bloody thing!

My seat in the "NE Corner" is more accurately facing (almost) Due South, so should be in "The North Corner"!
The Yard should be in "The South Corner".
The Directors box/main entrance should be in "The South West Stand", and those that sit on the half way line with DW Sports directly behind them are in fact sat in "The North East Stand".

It's been playing havoc with my OCD ever since we moved there, if truth be told!


Oh... and don't even think about checking out Pride Park Stadium on either Google Maps, or Google Earth, as currently, the first accompanying photograph appears a little too red and "earthenware" for my liking!  Thanks for that, Google!  (Thankfully, for some technical reason, I cant find a way of putting said photo on here... probably for the best!)





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Yes, and all the other stands as well. North, South, East and West doesn’t really do anything for me. Would help to make the place feel a bit more like a fortress if there’s some history in the names. 

Id maybe hold a vote for 4 legendary figures to be up on the stands. Jim Smith would obviously be one of them.

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24 minutes ago, Josh said:

They should do it, you could have the four stands named after Cloughie, Cox, Smith and Mackay. In my opinion. 


But as squid mentioned they wont, because in this day and age, it’s all about getting what income in you can, and the stands are thus all sponsored I believe.

There may be a way around that.

Not sure how up to date this example is (Pretty certain it's now well out of date, but my point still stands) but clicking on "Pride Park Stadium Seating Plan" on Google Images, it shows amongst others "The Gordon Guthrie South West Corner Stand presented by 3AAA" 

Ok, it's a mouthful, but hey, if the sponsors are paying!   ;-)




Perhaps we could have "The Jim Smith South Stand in association with Majestic Wines"?

And in the future, perhaps "The Mason Bennett North East Family Stand presented by Ivehadmorethanthree.com"



OH... apologies Mr Smith... no lack of respect intended, of course.  Forgive my intrusion.

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12 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

And what about the Trevor East Stand?


11 minutes ago, ThePrisoner said:

Better than the Fred West Stand, though I don't think he was a Ram.

Just hope they don't ever name a stand after Andre Wisdom.  Imagine the confusion trying to find it!

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