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3 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

I'm sure @StivePesley will be calling you a liar about this shortly, oh no wait you agree with his views.

I didn't call you a liar. I believe you, I was just mocking you for bringing it up like it added gravitas to your weak argument

10 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

We should try to educate rather than shout outraged condemnation at people.

Exactly - this triggering of PC left and alt.right arguments is pretty tiresome. History shows us how this all works. Tolerance and respect lead to progress. Outrage and condemnation lead to conflict.


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1 hour ago, StringerBell said:

I’m not sure what your opinion on Griezmann’s fancy dress itself is or who it is that will likely to be appalled (could be all of us), but what you said here is what I was getting at with my Quentin Crisp comment from earlier in the thread.

I don’t think some people realise just how conservative their views on this are.  I highly doubt this will be an issue as we move towards our glorious Star Trek future, unless the ideologues have taken over that is, and we wear historical racism as an albatross across our shoulders until the end of time.

I confess I didn't really offer an opinion on Griezmann's fancy dress itself as I don't much care. I saw a huge thread on it and skimmed and was just commenting in general about shifts in morality and how people are offended and outraged by what was until recently the norm.

Sorry I missed Quentin Crisp, but I certainly look forward to "our glorious Star Trek future" which I seriously think the doyens of Silicon Valley are trying to steer us towards, for good or ill. And I think generally for good.

In terms of historical racism I think you're right. I look forward to a future where everyone is colour blind. I'm not responsible for what other people did in the past. While I've not seen anyone do it with an albatross, there are people, for instance, who put on chains and travel to Africa and the Caribbean and prostrate themselves before the locals to apologize for slavery happening centuries ago. These people are idiots. Move on.

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53 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

I have not called him racist. I suggest you take that back.


46 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

I didn't call you a liar. I believe you, I was just mocking you for bringing it up like it added gravitas to your weak argument.

Weak argument? At least I have the conviction to stand by my statements!

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38 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

See - you do have some redeeming features :)


I prefer to look upon a spine as a necessity rather than a redeeming feature ?

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5 hours ago, StivePesley said:

I have not called him racist. I suggest you take that back.

Flicking through the thread, then re-reading the post in question, I'd say you did.

I think that would be a reasonable inference for the common man to take from it.

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On 20/12/2017 at 16:58, G STAR RAM said:

Really, I disagree.

I think it's more socially unacceptable to people who spend their days looking for something to be offended by.

I do agree that looking for something to be offended by is not a very wholesome habit. 

For my two cents, in the context of this incident, I'm personally not especially offended by it – I do think it's very silly and naive of Griezmann and I can totally understand why other folk would be upset by it. Ultimately it's not to difficult to see why it would raise eyebrows – race is a sensitive issue (hence the debate roaring in this thread). 

Perhaps socially unacceptable is a bit strong – there's plenty of shades of grey to socially acceptable behaviour after all. I think it's pretty clear it wasn't mean't maliciously, so for me it's simply social ineptness on Griezmann's part.  

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On 12/21/2017 at 11:54, Carl Sagan said:

I confess I didn't really offer an opinion on Griezmann's fancy dress itself as I don't much care. I saw a huge thread on it and skimmed and was just commenting in general about shifts in morality and how people are offended and outraged by what was until recently the norm.

Sorry I missed Quentin Crisp, but I certainly look forward to "our glorious Star Trek future" which I seriously think the doyens of Silicon Valley are trying to steer us towards, for good or ill. And I think generally for good.

In terms of historical racism I think you're right. I look forward to a future where everyone is colour blind. I'm not responsible for what other people did in the past. While I've not seen anyone do it with an albatross, there are people, for instance, who put on chains and travel to Africa and the Caribbean and prostrate themselves before the locals to apologize for slavery happening centuries ago. These people are idiots. Move on.

I think there is a decent chance that we are the only 'intelligent' life in this Galaxy at least, so our Star Trek future might be a very lonely one.  Although Oumuamua seemed like an intriguing possibility for a moment.

I realize that's way off topic. I wonder what Antoine Griezmann's views on Fermi's paradox are?  There, think I'm covered now.



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On 12/18/2017 at 07:55, TroyDyer said:

It's racist because twitter said it's racist. So therefore it must be. The eternal victims come out to play their violins at each other. Then when "What about white chicks?" or "What about when Sol Campbell was whited up as part of an ad campaign?" are put forward, you get the generic "You can't be racist to white people because they are the oppressor" line. 


It’s racist because....it’s racist... goggle the history of “blacking up” and then tell me it’s not.! 

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54 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

It’s racist because....it’s racist... goggle the history of “blacking up” and then tell me it’s not.! 

So Griezmann dressed as a Harlem Globetrotter because he thinks white people are superior to black people?

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3 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

He blacked himself up....that’s enough.

It isn't though Muespach. It's enough to convict people of racism in the current paradigm, and in that regard it shows a certain naivity, but it certainly doesn't mean that he's a white supremacist, looks down on black people, favours restrictions on their liberty, or any such thing which would make him in any meaningful sense actually racially prejudiced.

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10 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

He blacked himself up....that’s enough.

Do you think fancy dress should be banned then?

Because most outfits pick up on characteristics which make it easier to identify who you are trying to portray?

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It was a stupid thing to do, that's all I reckon, I am sure he didn't intend to offend, but in his position he should have given it a bit more thought.

When people jump up and down and cry racism for examples like this I think it detracts from what true racism is, just reading this article makes me sick - https://news.sky.com/story/brexit-vote-sparks-rise-in-islamophobia-against-muslim-footballers-at-grass-roots-level-11172510

Anybody who uses the sort of language this article suggests should be dealt with in a much harsher way than someone who has made a stupid mistake.

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17 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

It was a stupid thing to do, that's all I reckon, I am sure he didn't intend to offend, but in his position he should have given it a bit more thought.

When people jump up and down and cry racism for examples like this I think it detracts from what true racism is, just reading this article makes me sick - https://news.sky.com/story/brexit-vote-sparks-rise-in-islamophobia-against-muslim-footballers-at-grass-roots-level-11172510

Anybody who uses the sort of language this article suggests should be dealt with in a much harsher way than someone who has made a stupid mistake.

Brexit was an absolute Godsend for Kick It Out I bet.

'We have 11 year olds mimicking planes flying into buildings'. Yeah I imagine that's a quite common one.


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