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47 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Its socially unacceptable to people who have appointed themselves to talk on behalf of society. 

Actually could do with a list of fancy dress outfits that are socially acceptable before New Years Eve.

Was going to do Homer Simpson but with him being fat, bald and yellow could land myself in some hot water!

Tbh I think it's more that it's socially unacceptable to people with social awareness. 

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Just now, Ramshankered said:

Tbh I think it's more that it's socially unacceptable to people with social awareness. 

Really, I disagree.

I think it's more socially unacceptable to people who spend their days looking for something to be offended by.

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2 hours ago, StringerBell said:

Socially unacceptable according to whom? And for what reason?

You do make me chuckle. Society has indeed progressed since the 1930s to the point where "blacking up" is not only socially unacceptable, but it's also not even something that normal people have to think about. People don't do it and they know why they don't do it and they live happy peaceful lives where they get on with everyone they meet

I get that some argumentative old sods will always take umbrage with being "told what to do" - and then get even more boggle-eyed over it when someone misunderstands that it's not that they have any great desire to black up, they just want to be able to retain the right to do it should they so wish (even though they don't appear to have any wish to do it). It's a hard life for those guys. Can you imagine?


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16 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

Says the man who, by my reading, is the most offended poster on this thread.


Well I don't blame him. You said he was racist.

This coming from a poster who snipes at people for their apparent lack of social awareness and for being divisive. 


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32 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

You do make me chuckle. Society has indeed progressed since the 1930s to the point where "blacking up" is not only socially unacceptable, but it's also not even something that normal people have to think about. People don't do it and they know why they don't do it and they live happy peaceful lives where they get on with everyone they meet

I get that some argumentative old sods will always take umbrage with being "told what to do" - and then get even more boggle-eyed over it when someone misunderstands that it's not that they have any great desire to black up, they just want to be able to retain the right to do it should they so wish (even though they don't appear to have any wish to do it). It's a hard life for those guys. Can you imagine?


They don’t do it because it’s taboo. Why is it taboo? 

The inference is they can’t live peaceful lives if they do black up. Play ball and we’ll let you live peacefully.

I don’t know what the other part means?

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3 hours ago, StringerBell said:

Back what up?

Generally black people are over represented in Brixton which is precisely why you brought it up, - the people we are talking about are black people. You brought black people into the conversation.

You appear not to know my views on generalisations. 

What have women got to do with blacking up for fancy dress?


Women have a lot to do with fancy dress. Most of the time, they look far better in it. 

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4 hours ago, StivePesley said:

Says the man who, by my reading, is the most offended poster on this thread.

Not offended, just annoyed the people continue to brand people that they know nothing about racists because they have a different view.

I find that quite a bit different to being offended by someone for wearing a fancy dress outfit.

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Interesting stuff.

One thing that's great about modern life is the enormous social change we've witnessed for good over recent years. But the thing is, human beings are great at very quickly becoming used to things and forgetting what a change it is. For instance many people are outraged that the government has an agreement with the DUP when the DUP has voted against same sex marriage, forgetting such a thing was only legalized in 2014 in the rest of the UK and Angela Merkel, apparently the "moral leader" of the West, voted against it in the German parliament earlier this year.

Similarly, I have seen bananas thrown onto football pitches and fans make monkey chants at black players in England. Now of course we're horrified when we see this behaviousr elsewhere in Europe, but it was only recently it happened here.  We should try to educate rather than shout outraged condemnation at people.

My parents who I know arent even slightly racist (and have adopted black kids!) used to sit us down to watch The Black and White Minstrel Show as apparently good family entertainment. And, speaking of my folk, my dad played for the Harlem Globetrotters (sorry - can never resist a name drop!) so they weren't all black.

Meanwhile, the right to offend is vitally important, and part of a free society. And we should all bear in mind that the moral norms in 20-50 years' time will be massively different from today and if some of us are lucky enough to still be alive, we'll probably be appalled by how we used to act.


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14 hours ago, StringerBell said:

Back what up?

Generally black people are over represented in Brixton which is precisely why you brought it up, - the people we are talking about are black people. You brought black people into the conversation.

You appear not to know my views on generalisations. 

What have women got to do with blacking up for fancy dress?


The BS youy come out with, you slag off an American blogger in a post that has nothing to do with her or her opinions.  You can dish it out, you can't take it, or back any of it up.  Tio me you are some sort of inverted rainbow duck.

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On 12/19/2017 at 22:11, StringerBell said:

I really can’t be arsed with this. All I’ll say is this. I never want to be stuck in the trenches with some of you lot.

You don't appear to have stood by this :p


That's my only take away from my read through of the last 24 hours of this abortion of a conversation

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2 hours ago, McRamFan said:

The BS youy come out with, you slag off an American blogger in a post that has nothing to do with her or her opinions.  You can dish it out, you can't take it, or back any of it up.  Tio me you are some sort of inverted rainbow duck.

Wasn’t that me bringing up an example of just one of many Guardian writers who write brazen anti-men, anti-white nonsense while people were placing the Daily Mail on some sort of hate speech pedestal? While maintaining they held other publications to the same standard? And wasn’t that in a thread about Brexit?

I suppose they can’t ‘back that up’ (god you’re weird) either. Oh wait, to paraphrase G Star, you agree with their views.

I have no problem with conversations branching off a little bit by the way. None at all. It’s entitely natural.  I just want to know why you’re randomly bringing up women. Didn’t say you shouldn’t. It just makes no sense. So maybe you should ‘back that up’.

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8 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

Meanwhile, the right to offend is vitally important, and part of a free society. And we should all bear in mind that the moral norms in 20-50 years' time will be massively different from today and if some of us are lucky enough to still be alive, we'll probably be appalled by how we used to act.


I’m not sure what your opinion on Griezmann’s fancy dress itself is or who it is that will likely to be appalled (could be all of us), but what you said here is what I was getting at with my Quentin Crisp comment from earlier in the thread.

I don’t think some people realise just how conservative their views on this are.  I highly doubt this will be an issue as we move towards our glorious Star Trek future, unless the ideologues have taken over that is, and we wear historical racism as an albatross across our shoulders until the end of time.

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