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Sunderland sack Grayson


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Clough's stock will still be high just with Burton still in the Championship, nobody gave them a prayer nor again this season. Punching so far above their weight to stay up would be an incredible achievement and to be fair they are not out of it despite a poor start. Wouldn't rule them out of staying up just yet, couple of bargains in January could make the difference. 

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6 minutes ago, David said:

Clough's stock will still be high just with Burton still in the Championship, nobody gave them a prayer nor again this season. Punching so far above their weight to stay up would be an incredible achievement and to be fair they are not out of it despite a poor start. Wouldn't rule them out of staying up just yet, couple of bargains in January could make the difference. 

You're starting to sound like him. Been listening to too many interviews.

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Clough would be perfect for Sunderland. Probably not the worst time to jump ship at Burton either.

I am fond of Nigel, he has his shortcomings that I think will stop him ever managing in the PL (unless a club gives him 4/5 years to get them up) but he could make a career out of fixing up teams like Sunderland.

Rightly so, he's probably got too much pride to be the sort of manager who'll agree with a board that he'll come in for two season to fix their team and wage bill then hand the team off to another manager. He'd obviously deserve his chance to have a crack at promotion with that team but he'd turn himself into a real sought after name if he just went round sorting out messes.

Like Winston Wolfe in Pulp Fiction but with honest lower league players instead of chunks of Marvin's skull.

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4 hours ago, KentRam said:

Whilst I suspect that is a comment made in jest, might I put a cat amongst the pigeons and say that I think Billy is exactly what they need?

Before I start I want to place on the record how much I hate Billy - I don't even know if that is a strong enough word. The guy is poisonous but so is Sunderland from top to bottom and that ain't going to change soon. So I'm not actually sure that Billy's poison will have much of an impact.

Truth is, however much you hate him, Billy knows his way around this division - in the mould of Warnock and Holloway etc - he knows how to get results at this level. He has actually got a good record. Throw into the mix that he will probably be exactly the kind of character that will get the best out of an underperforming playing staff and may well rejuvenate the support base (Forest fans loved him, we loved him in the first season). But most of all he will get results. Sunderland need a manager who knows this division, who will play percentage football and grind out results, who will get the best out of the playing squad and will, simply, keep the club up.

I know that this post is unlikely to go down well and, believe me, I'm the first to slate Billy and have a laugh at his expense. But this is exactly the kind of manager they need and, given the kind of reputation he now has, just the kind of job that would suit him. That said, he clearly won't get it as we all know the reason clubs won't touch a manager with his results record with a barge pole.

Moreover, when you look at the win records of previous Sunderland managers since 2008, it is clear where the problems at Sunderland lie and it isn't in the dugout. Ellis Short has chopped and changed with an alarming regularity and to no avail - when you look at that virtual constant slide, it goes without saying that he's pretty optimistic to think that a change of manager will do much good this time round. After all, I suspected that Grayson would be a good fit. Instead, I rather suspect that the job of saving Sunderland may well be far beyond any manager, after all, that clearly isn't where the problem lies.

I hate myself for this, but I thought exactly the same.  If Short wants a man to get them heading in the right direction, so he can finally get shot of the club, he's the one person who'd practically guarantee an up turn in results...









Now if you excuse me, i'm going for a shower, with a wire brush, and some Detol!!!

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